It's all about forgiveness 🦋

🦋 Some time ago a friend shared with me his doubt about the happenings we find ourselves in the midst of.
These times are not only dividing us but are also a great source of fear and frustration for many.
It's great chaos for the whole world and collectively we are realizing how powerless we actually are.
For many people, it is very hard to find the center and stay grounded and connected to their
higher Self.
They don't feel any trust within the recent experience of humankind.
How often do we come across the desperate Facebook posts in the style of “I wasn't meant to be here” or “I want to leave this place”.
This is a kind of depression that hits us when we realize that our life is totally out of our control. That some other people have the right to tell us when we can go out, where we can go, and even what we can do with our bodies.


I am a very skeptical person. So I totally get the feelings of despair and fear while the awakened people are always reminding us to think positive.
I am very cautious about wishful thinking too so to turn my cheek and scream love and light against everything isn’t my way either.

🦋 But I also know for sure that there are powers beyond our current level of innerstanding present all around.
I know how the law of attraction works and I see it happening.
We all are involved in creating this chaos out of the need for purification.
We've all wanted the change for the better and even if unconsciously, we've been asking for freedom, for love, for the safety of all beings ~ humans or animals.
We are learning on a massive scale how to forgive and how to love. How to care for each other no matter what.
And some have passed the “great test” and some didn't.
They will have another opportunity.


🦋 We are shifting into a totally new realm. Something so extraordinary that most of us don't even dare to dream of it’s from.
But so many people start to feel the edges of the paradise. Some of us can innerstand how easy we can return to what was once known. What was our home? It is still written in our DNA.
We are slowly awakening to the innerstanding of not only our heritage but also our human potential.
And as a rite of this passage, we need to fully innerstand the level of forgiveness we need to reach.
We need to go to the deepest hidden layer of possibilities. To innerstand.
We need to explore all facets of Forgiveness.
We are collectively shifting into a new vibration.
Many will not see it ( yet ) but it can already be felt.
When we open our hearts, connect to them and let them feel again after so many years of numbness, we can feel the vibration of Love shaking the weak foundations of the fake system built on the truths of who we are and where we came from.
When we can remember our greatness and forgive at all levels, each kind of crime, then as a collective, we create the shift. We move through a portal leading to peaceful tomorrows.
Many were needed for this Great Awakening and many joined.
Their pain opened our eyes and touched our hearts so deeply that to awake was eminent.
These Souls came forth to teach everyone so that we can collectively shift into the higher frequency. And how else could you do that if not by facing the most horrifying events and testimonials of the most innocent about what has been done to them?
Once we know, we never can turn our heads away. Once we’ve seen evil we will look closely at our own darkness and we will confront it.
Herein lies the Great Work of the Soul.
Herein lies the salvation. Once you free yourself fully from the darkness then you will never want to have any of it in yourSelf. Therefore forgiveness is the only logical choice. If we, as humanity, can forgive anything we will be free of darkness.
It ceases to exist. Imagine. Pure Love.

~Nika 🦋


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