An idiot's guide for surviving a breakup - part 2

This is the continuation of if you haven't catch it up yet. i am sure you find it interesting . Here goes the part 2

step 03 - Start to think about yourself.

You used to think as a team before. You planned your life as a team. May be its time for you to chill down a little and move on from being a team player to solo appreciator. Take some time . go out with friends . play some games. goto gym. Busy with yourself. Eat some good food from a good restaurant. sleep as much as you can. Because my friend this is not the end of the world. This is just a transition period where you need some time to get settle.

step 04 - Talk to someone.

This is the best step to reduce your pain. It can be your best friend. facebook friends , your relative or even your parents. Tell them how you feel .tell them how much you loved her/him . Tell them how sad you are . Cry infront of them . life will get easier. you will feel so much relaxed. often meet with them . You surely need their support. my personal experience is the best way to forget the pain is to talk to your friend. The more you keep it in heart , the more pain you will feel.

step 05 - Get busy

After all these steps . you are now somewhat okay without her but you feel the loneliness. The best medicine for loneliness is getting busy. My personal advice, find a gym . The gym always teach you to love yourself and encourage you to be positive. Its also scientifically proven that Gym exercise help you to reduce your depression and anxiety.

step 06 - Throw everything that make you remind of her away.

You don't need mementos of a someone which you not gonna meet again. The more they are the more sadder you get. It can be a big as a toy panda she bought you to a her email address in your address book. Throw away everything that make you remind her to you.

step 07 - Congratulations you survive it and you are a mature person now.

As it easy to write all this, don't think it will be easy to follow all of them. Its going to be a greatest challenge of your life. Depression and sadness will drown you with tears. But you gonna go through this. You are strong enough and as saying goes nothing lasts forever . You will find a better love which actually will be much more successful compared to the past one due to your matureness.

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