some story touch your heart and tell about a destani of you life

I did not want to eat chocolate, I did not want it, then I pulled it from him and grabbed it, after that he was dragging my hair so I bitten him, (Tithi)
Do you mean bite? Where is now?
Her mother went to the hospital with her
I did not delay and went to the hospital, Tithi was behind me. I went to the hospital to see if the treatment was going on, with 4 stitches in my hand, Tithi took hold of my hand and stood on the other side as well, and started crying,
What are you bribery, or do you cry? (Future)
Where he got the chance, he is starting to threaten his father before, (I)
Do not say anything, when Diya gets bitten, she started crying before seeing her blood, little people can understand, (future)
Sister and Sister, will you please tell him short? I will not put him here, tomorrow I will send him home, (I)
I did not go home, I started crying again,
I will not allow you to stay, do you remember only if you are crazy? (Future)
I thought when I came to the hospital, I pressed for a little while, and the nurses started starting to measure the nurse's head.
Tithi (shouting) How rude is this? (I)
And why are you catching up?
What does that mean? Pressure does not have to be measured? (I)
Do not be afraid, the grandmother said that a girl can not move beside her husband, no girl should touch her husband, if she does, but her husband is defeated, (Tithi)
Even when I smiled, the nurse could not laugh, afterwards the nurse and the pressure measured, then she went home with her. And after sending the test, he sent him to the house so that no other accident could be created, who would have heard him later, and when he came to see Baba with his face, I saw one day in the face of the violin, seeing the bus from the office,
After seeing me, my father stood behind my father's father. Looks like many people think,
When did you come to my father How are you?
(Dad did not say anything before the work was done) Harmazada How dare you send the girl alone? If there is something on the street?
Dad knows what he did? (I)
Shut, I do not want to know anything, I'll talk about a char, as much as the charioteer (father)
Tithi khil bursts laughing, I looked at her and hid behind her father.
After some time, when Tithi started SSC examinations, one should read and recite the bed while I read and he will put my head on my chest and I will have to touch his head, otherwise he will not read, long I can not sleep well in the last one and a half months, I read it till 2-3 and then went back to 6-6.30, she does not sleep in the eye of the exam, no matter how she should be 1st, if her head is not right, He was second to sickness in Seven, after the first time his parents came and requested to give Tithi the first, because his son was bruised by bruising, and when someone reads the dirt while doing the reading, his condition worsens, so to say something It does not matter as well.
After the end of the examination, I will go around with me and say no to the holidays. One day he went to the park to walk around,
See this girl she seems to have fallen in the water, she came to see me, (Tithi)
Do not see it here, go home, (I)
Why are you so Not seeing the boy alone, we help go to hospital (i.e.)
She does not want to take her to the hospital, she is going to see that she has survived, we do not have to go, because she came from Dakha.
Tithi was able to see the result, got very good results, 1st in Bakshiganj upazila.
On that day, I can not explain the amount of money that I am happy, I have jumped for about an hour, and after a while I was embracing it, but this girl could not sleep the whole night on the night before the result, I did not even sleep with him.
The spring of our married life began, after the examination of Tithir HSC, the Safed brothers went to Dhaka on that day, so we were all in the flat.
Remember that on the fourth anniversary of our marriage, I have a little time to return, even after pressing the bell, when I did not open the door, I would open the door with my key. I saw the door, darkness inside, I got scared of the light, I went into the house. I have not noticed that I have seen the whole house decorated, a seriwani kept on the table with a note, the grandmother said that when you understand the big hobi marriages, then on that day, I would like to be the first day wife Sajee.
It was a happy wave that I remembered, when I fell in my fresco and saw the room beautifully arranged, standing in the door, what did the grandmother say? I laughed, laced with shame, put it on the knees. I crossed the night, the hurdle rose from the next day, I can not see Tithi's face for almost a week, he got up early in the morning and prepared for breakfast and hid in another room, and would not have entered the house if it was not in the night.
When I entered the house, there was a whole dark, but I did not burn the light like always, but when I was sleeping, I kept sleeping after sleeping, so his persecution was going on these days, after dhaka, I did not have a job in Dhaka. Titi consoled after a few days after the match, that was not what I am happy to express in the language, after telling the news to Tithi and how long she had been hiding in my chest, I do not remember, after a while she was crying, why are you mad?
If you are a Babu you will love Babu, I will not live here,
I laughed, who said to the mad pagli you do not love?

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