How to recover from Heartbreak FAST!

We all fall in 'LOVE'. I have fallen hard.
7 years of pain. And I'm quite strong minded. I can explain why we feel so devastated. I can also explain how you have been essentially 'tricked'. Even though you have been tricked, knowing this will not release you from the curse you are in.

If you have had your heart truly broken, it will feel worse than death. It's absolutely the most torture you can sustain. I would prefer my eyes to be plucked out of my head with red hot pliers.

Whats happened is you've committed the cardinal sin. You've allowed your brain to prioritize someone else's life, feelings, desires, happiness, fun over your own.

Now don't you feel silly! You've essentially rewired your brain. This can take up to or over 7 years to fix. If you leave your problem to time to mend. It will mend you, only slowly. The pain can be good for some people. It defines them, makes them smart. Might even make them fool proof.

I wrote this article because when I was lost, I searched for the answers and there was nothing. It seemed no one would write about it. I spent years trying to find someone who had been through the pain I had. It seemed I was alone. I could have done with the list. A list that helped me to pick myself up and to get on enjoying my youth. Instead I moped around squandering my time and good looks on beer, drugs, sad films and staying in depressed and done with life.

  1. The quickest solution is to pay for hypnosis. £600. Done thank you goodbye.
  2. Find someone else (this can be hard if you had severe oneitis)
  3. Understanding the opposite sex, the reasons behind the split.
  4. Finding someone exactly the same.
  5. Getting back with enjoying your own life.
  6. Gym, exercise.
  7. Take your mind off the person, get involved with a difficult project.
  8. Accept there's no going back and destroy all memories.
  9. Make tons of money.
  10. come up with your own personal list.

I hope this helps you crazy teens. Please let people down gently or by putting them off you! What goes around comes around.
Please don't ever do anything drastic, you will look back at your pain and laugh at the stupidity of yourself.

It will get better and your feelings will change drastically.
Pretending is good because eventually it isn't pretending! (this helped me)

All the best.
Good luck.

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