I lied to her

Today was a very bad day  and a happy one though 

After walking my sister to her staff bus this morning she asked me what i wanted for dinner she always ask me that ever since i moved in with her and i said pizza with yogurt.

Two hours later she called me and ask me if i have a particular amount of money in my account and i said no she felt bad and hanged up the phone 

Not quite long a friend of mine called asking me for the same amount and i did transferred the money to her immediately and i told her to make sure she pay back in my account that i don't want cash so was the agreement 

My sister came back from work as usual but without the pizza.

What happened Samuel gave her some money to give to me that he couldn't go to the bank to make deposit so he saw her and gave it to her because he was in a hurry

Now my sister is mad at me and i was filled with guilt then i realized what i did

she is not just a sister she is all i have how could i betrayed her trust while thinking of those things tears filled my eyes i started crying i couldn't say sorry

how could i lie to my only sister who i run to whenever am in trouble

But guess what she hugged me and said its okay little sis it was just a mistake the delivery guy is outside with your dinner wow

While going to the door i prayed to God never to let me make such mistake again

[image source](https://www.google.com/search?q=love+pictures&client=firefox-b-ab&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=0_6KaavrrWpeFM%253A%252C2xSMGcNP6hN_UM%252C_&usg=AI4_-kRsPmWIjmjC9znUEyeY1IiuiOXTrA&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi85Niq0OPeAhWFsaQKHWjcCWMQ9QEwCXoECAAQFg#imgrc=dBlc-bhy3VZMxM:)

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