Love (Sep 2018)

Have you ever had such deep feelings for someone—that you could not STAND it??? That is where I am now :)

There is a method to find your soul mate. I claim to be no expert here, and I am still learning.

  1. KNOW that you have a soul mate! You are not an individual and single soul; you are 1 half of a complete soul, and splitting apart was necessary to incarnate physically and spiritually (“emotionally”).
  2. Resolve your biggest emotional issues for the opposite sex as well as the same sex.
  3. Learn to think more with the heart, rather than your intellect—and learn to have faith in this!!
  4. PAY STRONG ATTENTION to what attracts your interest and ignore that attraction as little as possible!

September is Beautiful...

Here are some of the best pictures of Raquel and I during September. Also pictured with our children!



All Togethwr with Lavina

Lavina is the oldest child!


All of our Childen



Wait for your Soul Mate...

If I knew what I knew today, I would have continued to not date ANYONE until I found her. I “waited” for my first girlfriend out of impatience when I was 19 years old—and I would have gladly waited another 50 years until meeting her!


Bye for Now! Love you All!!


Previous Posts ...

Post your love!!

Last post for August 2018

Thank you! :)

It is my wish to serve you with these words.

Some info about me: I've been involved with Bitcoin since 2010. By trade I am an expert on blockchain technology. I am the Project Director for Wall of Coins, and CEO for Genitrust, Inc. I eat primarily fruits and leafy greens ("fruitarian"). This is known as a frugivorous diet, which is the diet by design of the human species and most primates. I don't cook my fruits, so you may also call this "raw vegan". I have eaten virtually every food item and major cultural style on this planet. I have experienced long periods of many different diet regimens: acid/alkaline, ketogenic, vegan, etc. In my spare time as a child, and an adult, I truly relished reading articles, books, and research papers on nutritional observation. I also enjoy and frequently practice long periods of juice fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

Thank you for reading, upvoting, tipping, and re-steeming!
Robert Genito
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