Ideas to Show Her Your Love


We, aspiring or current romantics, always appreciate it when we come across ideas to show our affection towards our partners. Sometimes we do it as a means of figuring what they like or don’t like.

The following are ideas you can try today to show them your love and keep the appreciation train going.

  1. Keep a log of things that make her smile

Before you proceed to anything else on this list, keep a notebook (don’t try to remember by memory because you will eventually forget the No. 5-10 choices).

Write down what you know she likes – maybe her favourite brand of ice cream or chocolate, her favourite flowers, her favourite types of videos to watch on Facebook, her closest friends, the types of food she misses from her mom.

Having this encyclopedic knowledge of what makes her happy will make spark your love lives to a whole new level because you know the way to her heart everytime she’s down or having a bad day.

  1. Love notes

If you can write, write something you love about her. It can be something she does all the time or some specific event that shows that you cared to remember. Write it down on a piece of paper and place it somewhere she can see.I personally, do it early in the morning when I am about to go to work so she can see it when she wakes up.

  1. Give massages

There are a very few things we are genuinely comfortable doing only with our partners and massages is one of them.

Don’t worry about the right techniques. Go gentle and when in doubt, press against different parts of your body to find out which parts have the most stress.

  1. Travel to new places

You don’t need to book a flight to do this. Instead, do a roadtrip or take a long distance bus ride to another part of the country you always wanted to do and stay there for 2-3 days.

  1. Nerf wars

I don’t know about you, but having Nerf war start when one of you gets home is a great way to do a welcome.

Have a Nerf gun ready at the closest table and a note stating: “STARTING NOW”.

  1. Overnight dates

I learnt this listening to Jon Butcher. He and his wife still have incredible affection for each after being married for decades.

They arrange for an overnight date every week and have babysitters to look after their kids.
They say it was important that it was overnight so that they can wake up and continue if they wanted.

  1. Do her chores for her

Perhaps you guys have already divided the work – she does the dishes, you clean the toilets.

But every once in a while, do the dishes too.

  1. Cook for her

Something strange happens when you cook something for her.
If she is the type that only prefers tasty and slightly expensive food, for some odd reason, whatever you cook – no matter how un-tasty it can be – she tends to like it more.

The same way we love our mom’s cooking than outside food – it’s the love and effort that we appreciate more than the taste.

Not to mention that learning to cook also allows you to save more money to go on experience-based dates or travel later on.

  1. Watch movies together

Go to the cinema occasionally and watch together at home more often.

I found that movies with a love plot somewhere is a good choice.

It reminds you and her of the days when you were both fantasizing about one day having somebody to love – and now you have 🙂

  1. Her favourite food

You can either cook or prepare this, or take-away.

  1. Her favourite snacks during her time of month

When in doubt, get chocolate.

  1. Write a book

This step requires months of preparation. I learnt this from Darren Hardy, editor of Success magazine.
One of the steps he took to show love to his wife was to get a hardcover diary and write daily on what he appreciates and love about her.

He wrote for about a year.

He then gave to her as her birthday present. She said it was the best gift she ever had (and he had gotten her a BMW for Christmas).

Ah… it really is the thought that counts…

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