My Story: Chapter 14: How Lucky Are We????

Living with Brie and her family was tough. We had our ups and downs. I was in a lot of pain due to Sciatica. I could barely walk. I'm three weeks from my due date, and we still haven't found a place. I feel like I'm about to panic. I don't know what to do. I really wanted us to have our own place when the baby got here... My mother-in-law and step-father-in-law come to visit. They pick us up at Brie's house, take us out to eat, and put a bunch of furniture for our hopefully soon new place in our storage unit. Later that week, after my husbands parents leave, Brie's mom took us to another apartment complex. I spoke with the apartment managers, and guess what??? The apartments are within our budget!!! A miracle in Colorado. :) I quickly put in two applications (one for me and one for my husband). Three days later, I receive a call that we are approved!! I am now two weeks from my due date, and could not believe it!!! We immediately pay the move in fees, and begin to move our stuff in. Even though I am so close to my due date and in a lot of pain, I have to get this place ready for the baby. (My husband can't organize...) I spend the next week organizing, shopping for things we need (pans/coffee maker/microwave/cleaning supplies/etc.), cleaning, and doing laundry. Lots and lots of laundry. I washed everything we had for the baby. My husband had some of his coworkers come and help bring the furniture to our new home. Our dog loves it here!! One week before my due date, my Mother-in-law comes back to Colorado and stays with us. She's staying for two weeks because she wants to be here when our daughter is born! Her Granddaughter. She is sooooooo excited!!!!!! Everything is finally falling into place! I can't believe how blessed we are!!! It is now Friday. Three days before my due date. I go for a regular OBGYN appointment. Everything looks perfect!!! My doctor schedules me to be induced on Monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will very soon meet my daughter!!! To be continued on my next blog...



hey @dreemsteem, here is the next chapter for you!!

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