My Story: Chapter 10: Love Of My Life

I'm doing intake at the shelter. I look up while waiting, and there he is. He and I say hello. We start to talk. We don't know each other, but I can't seem to get my mind off of him... After two days in the shelter, I find him on Facebook. My gut keeps telling me to get a hold of him... He messages me his number, and we set up our first date. Three days later, he picks me up, and we go see a movie and then have some burgers! It was amazing!!! Exactly a week after that, he and his mom invited me to live with them. I took time to process, but decided to do it. I moved in and a whole new life began for me. Due to moving further away, I had to find a new job. I found one working as a waitress. Before long, we fell in love, and my boyfriend and I moved from his moms house to our own place. By that time, I was working two waitress jobs to help us get by. We got a dog as a companion. A lab mix! How sweet!!! A couple years go by, and then things begin to spiral out of control again. We had a good chunk of money stolen from us, our dog got badly hurt when another dog in the apartment complex attacked him, and a puppy we had just gotten died of Distemper... My anxiety got really bad, and I was hospitalized. I ended up having to go to group therapy for a month, three times a week. It was then that we decided to move to Colorado. We needed a fresh start. To be continued on my next blog...



hey @dreemsteem, here is the next chapter for you

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