Love During the Busiest Times

Love is devotion and time. Love is respecting your partner. Love is boosting the other one up. Love is helping.
My husband and I are both working our asses off. We are working full-time jobs in corporate America. We both worked so hard to get in. We studied. We got degrees. We both worked our butts off while going to school. We weren't together while my husband was in school, but he worked full time and studied hard to get an engineering degree. My personal story includes stripping my way through college while raising a baby. Now we both want out. We want more out of life. We both have aspirations other than working 40 hours a week for somebody else. So we are, again, working hard. We are trying to build business while still working, taking care of ourselves (yoga/exercise/sleep/etc), and raising who a child who is growing and growing. This could absolutely be a breaking point. We could take stress out on each other by arguing and trying to get out of doing household chores. Instead, we are both making a point to help each other more than ever. We are having to schedule time to be together around everything else. We are giving up instant gratification for long term happiness. In the process we are building each other up. We are supporting the other one, and helping as much as possible. Tonight we had a rare weekday to eat and just watch TV (yeah maybe we're both on our phones/computers some still doing a little work). It makes every moment so much more precious.

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