This is Nigeria 3

Would it be okay for us to blame God for all that's gone wrong here in Nigeria? Aren't we a praying nation? Why do our prayers seem like they've been lost in the wind? Or have they been answered without us knowing? Do the angels want to play hide and seek with our answers? Do we even have the right to blame God? You're reading this piece now, I'm writing this piece now, we should be grateful... I would suggest that we have a rethink, we humans love blaming others. We forget that we are Nigeria and whatever is going wrong now is our fault and I'm not just talking about prayer or cuz my generation has been exposed to iniquity, the likes of which have never been seen before, but why hasn't the same thing happened to the US where weed, pornography, homosexuality and a host of other messed up stuff happen? Are they excluded from God's 'wrath?' Nigeria will never become better until we change how we think. My generation need to become more responsible, more brave, more loving, more kind, more God-fearing, more good, else the future will be in tatters and our children will curse us. I hope this meets you well? Good morning and happy reading. My name is chosen and iAm an upcoming genius. Follow me on IG@iam_d_anomaly for my poems.8C6064A9-ECD0-4184-AC84-50A1836CF3A8.jpeg

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