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Relationships are what really matters in life, yet all to often we allow these relationships to occupy lower positions than they deserve in our priority list, we give our relationships a lackadaisical behaviour. We sometimes allow something or someone to drive wedge between ourselves and people who are most precious to us.

It takes maturity to get along with somebody who is different than you are, it takes patience not to dispute over minor issues or easily get offended. We need to learn to overlook some things, learn to give people that benefit of doubt, every person has weaknesses and faults so never expect people you're in relationship with to be perfect.

When you cover a person's weaknesses and go extra mile to keep out strife then you're sowing a great seed. Try to create a fun-filled atmosphere, everyone experiences stressful times, we all get uptight but we shouldn't allw that to linger. Give them your approval.
Invest in your relationships either friendship, dating, marriage e.t.c, don't drain the emotional reserves of the people around you.

Relationships are emotional banks, you can either make deposit or you withdraw.
You make deposit by appreciating one another, complimenting each other, caring, being friendly, being pleasant to them in ordinary circumstances, smiling, acknowledging them e.t.c.
You can make withdrawal through selfish behaviours, unforgiving spirit, failing to keep to commitments, lacking appreciating spirit to someone to whom it is due.
"The first thirty seconds of a conversation will determine how the next hour will be".
"It takes five positive charge to override on negative charge".

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