How we feel when in love

Being in love can bring about a range of emotions and physical sensations. Here are a few common feelings and experiences people may have when they are in love:

Euphoria: Love can make us feel incredibly happy and joyful. People often describe being in love as a feeling of pure happiness and excitement.

Butterflies in the stomach: The physical sensations of love can be intense. People may feel a fluttering sensation in their stomach when they think of their loved one.

Increased energy: Love can also give people a boost of energy, making them feel more awake, alert, and lively.

Nervousness: When we're around our loved one, we may feel nervous or anxious. This can manifest as a dry mouth, sweating, or a racing heart.

Protection: People in love often feel a strong urge to protect and take care of their loved one.

Intense focus: When we're in love, our thoughts can be consumed by our loved one. We may find ourselves daydreaming about them or constantly thinking about them.

These feelings can vary from person to person and from one relationship to another, but overall, being in love can be an exciting and fulfilling experience

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