The Holographic You; Sex as a tool to enlightenment

Occasionally I am asked to explain more about the nature of the relationship between the human aspect and his (or her) divine part. Therefore, I will use the next metaphor to make this notion more tangible –

Imagine that you are looking at one of your own photos on your computer screen. You look at your face – serious or smiley – your body, the clothes you were wearing at the time, and generally, you recognize the person in the photo. Now, go one step further and imagine that your photo is being used to create a 3D image of your whole body. This idea is not far-fetched by the way and there are many websites who use holographic images. Movies like Star Trek have used this technology since the 70ies of the 20th century.


Credit: pixabay

If you would look at your 3D image it would seem even more real to you than your 2d photo, wouldn’t it? With the help of technology, your 3D image could talk to you, move in front of you and even respond to you by using artificial intelligence that scientists would have integrated into it.

So, on the one hand, there would be you, the human being, and on the other, there would be your holographic you that would look like you and even behave like you. What would be the difference though? Think about it for a second. If your holographic image could function in our 3D reality would there be any difference at all between the two of you?

Yes there would. You are able to feel. Your 3D would not. The feeling is an attribute that is given to the human consciousness. This is what differentiate you from other consciousnesses or inanimate.

The relationship that you have with your 3D holographic image is the kind of relationship that your divine self has with you! You are the holographic image created by your soul-self. Feel this for a moment. Just as you use electrons and technology, in general, to communicate with your holographic image so your soul-self uses the feelings to communicate with you.

The process of merging with your divine part, the process I call enlightenment, necessitates your ascending and your soul-self’s descending until the two of you meet somewhere on the road. In order to maintain steady communication between you two and to notify both of you about the process and the travel that you take, you both use the technology of feelings. Your soul-self sends messages to you through feelings, directing you to certain events and experiences, and you use feelings to call upon your soul-self to let it know about your choices and level of readiness.

Sex is the mechanism created by you and your soul-self to spark moments of communication between you and your divine part. The act of sex produces great amounts of energy that literally transcend the chasm between the physical world and the far non-physical dimensions. Each time you make love your energetic body is glowing and signaling to your soul-self to come “down here” to communicate.

Now, I am going to simplify things but this is very important – when you only have sex, that is, engage in a physical act of love with another person rather than make love to them, your soul-self is blocked and cannot reach you. It “hears” your call, descends to this physical reality, enters your bedroom, but when it measures your level of consciousness it realizes that you are not ready yet to merge with it. Therefore, it soars back to its realms and awaits there until you will call it again. It doesn’t judge you! It simply waits.

The conclusion, as sour or disappointing as it may be to some of you is as follows: if you seek a state of enlightenment, a real reunion with your real self, the manifestation of the highest potential for a human being during their lifetime in our era, then closely examine your intimate relationship and as much as possible make love and not just sex.

If you don’t have a loving partner at the moment then make love with yourself and during the act call upon your soul-self, make your presence present by exercises of breathing. Then, enjoy the experience by yourself as much as you can. Sex, per se, as much as it is fun, is overrated. The act itself is not important at all. The way you do it makes the difference.

But above all, you should know that there is no greater feeling for a human being than the feeling during the act of making love with a beloved spouse. Whether it is a one-time interaction or a long one, a loving sex would leave its marks upon your body, mind, and spirit for years and years and most important – would signal your divine part that you are ready. That the lighthouse that you are is now illuminating stronger than ever.


I am on the go with limited access to the internet

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