Accept the fact that you are not perfect, learn to get help from others, do not try to please everyone, compliment yourself, take time for yourself every day and take care of your health. Many of us want to love ourselves more; So do it

Self-love is an inexhaustible source of energy that is independent of anyone and nothing.
When we love ourselves, the love and appreciation that comes from others is only a bonus, not the center of our lives.

How do you get there?
We've compiled 10 gold tips for you:

  1. Accept the fact that I am not perfect -Self-love is expressed in the self-acceptance of who we are, with our advantages and disadvantages, accompanied by a willingness to continue to grow and improve.
    It's the understanding that no one expects me to be perfect, so why should I demand it from myself?

  2. Open up for acceptance from others - Self-love is learning to get help, and even to ask when necessary.
    This is to know that you do not have to do everything alone, and that helping others does not indicate weakness.

  3. Make sure the glass stays full - When we love ourselves, our "cup" is full, so we can share it with others with joy, knowing that we will not miss it.
    On the other hand, when we put the others in the center, take care of their needs and repress us, we are drained of energy, feel victimized and frustrated until these feelings erupt unexpectedly, which can cause extreme damage to us and the environment

  4. Learn to forgive myself and others - When I do not forgive others, I actually leave myself hostage to the situation.
    To forgive someone else is to release myself, let go and understand that the person I was angry with has played a role in my life by creating an opportunity for me to learn and support my growth process.

  5. Talk about myself and myself in a positive way - When we do this, not only do we raise our self-worth, the confidence and the charisma we transmit, we also cause others to treat us in the same way.

  6. Flatter myself - About anything that deserves compliment in my eyes and I would be happy to compliment him on someone else-about how I look, what I do, how I work, and occasionally even write letters of appreciation to myself.

  7. Dedicate time for myself every day - To do something I love, that has nothing to do with any commitment or necessity. Something that will fill me up that will allow me to spend quality time with myself, and to maintain a balance in my life.

  8. Invest in my health - There is no need to become health freaks and do things that are not comfortable with them, but it is important to relate to and give attention to our body, what we can give up and what is important in our diet, to exercise, to give the body enough sleep.
    Addressing the needs of the body means respecting ourselves, and our commitment to self-respect has an important role in developing self-love.

  9. Connect with the spiritual part of me, and make life a collaborative creation - This can be done in a variety of ways: Such as meditation, diary writing, prayer, breathing practice, vision board creation, visualization and subconscious use.

  10. Carefully choose my words and thoughts - So that they correspond to what I want to achieve, to trust that things will happen and to let the spirit do its own, without worrying about how and when, knowing that things will happen in the right way and at the right time for my development.

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