Love Is All We Need... For Real!

On Valentine's Day, I wrote a post about Love and my point was to Love Yourself First. Hours later, we had the mass shooting here in my town, so close to home, and as a single mother, I never felt so helpless and scared for my son's life. I went into Survival Mode like nothing happened, made dinner and had "our regular bedtime" where we read a book together and say our Gratitude prayer. At that time, I lost it and for one hour tears rolled down my face. I cried thinking about the mothers that could not have a bedtime with their kids anymore, and at the same time, for all the "kids" that are labeled weird, crazy, different, and are struggling to belong. I felt that I lost my Faith in Humanity but I didn't want to be the person that judges and hate, so the next day I went to the beach to meditate and try to understand why I was feeling that way. That's when I realized that the "Love Yourself First" is valid and important, but looking at the big picture, we really need to realize that it's the time to Give. Give our time, give back, give attention, give education and most important Give Love.

I believe that everything happens for a reason, and as soon as I got home, I came to Steemit and searched for @kenny-crane. He's been working on a "Guess the Number Bot" and I wanted to play. I found his post and was late for the game; however, he added a video from Drake called God's Plan. I watched the video and it gave me Hope. Hope that we can become better people and consequently, create a better World. I wrote him a comment not knowing if he was going to read it, but I had the urge to speak up and telling someone how I was feeling, so I told him that I've been disappointed with the humans and the video made me feel different. Not even five minutes later he replied and what he wrote was everything I needed to hear and I'll bring his message with me for the rest of my life…

"Us humans are a very mixed bag. There are people who can inspire us and people who will disappoint us. Sometimes the same person will do both, on different occasions! Keep being uplifted by the inspiring humans. Seek them out and try to do something similar to what they do, when you can. That's my general comment to everyone who reads this". kenny-crane

I couldn't agree more and I wanted to share his words because it's so easy to focus on the negative, but we really need to "be uplifted by who inspire us"! And we can start right here, on this great platform called Steemit! There are so many inspiring people around us! I chose to focus my energy on them, and I'd like to spread the word, so you guys can be inspired as well…

Partnered in a Bangladesh Chicken Farm with @azizbd who helps the poor people in his community in Bangladesh. He runs a school for poor children, and buy them fruits with his Steemit posts. He also runs a program in his area for Women Empowerment, where he brings teachers to show a group of women how to make crafts and clothes. You can read the post here.

He left the most caring reply on my first week here, and I'll be forever grateful!
He's such a loving and inspiring person, always promoting Goodness & showing how Steemit is transforming lives around the globe. Here are some examples:
Steem Accelerator Hubs in Nigeria by @stach
Bringing New Life to a Neglected Park by @varonoi & @hansikhouse
Please check his post.

Founder and Director of the @gardenofeden where each year
Feed 40,000 free meals,
Save 350,000 pounds of trash,
Create tens of thousands of pounds of compost,
House hundreds of people with nowhere to go,
Achieve a negative carbon footprint,
Publish thousands of free articles on sustainability, holistic health,permaculture, conscious parenting, and more!

For the last but not least, I want to mention my favorite group Steemitbrasil where I can share ideas and opinions with the most inspiring friends!

I hope we can not only be inspired but also build each other up!


Much Love,
Dani Denes

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