The Encounter

There he was, it's a lie, it can't be real. I could be dreaming, I haven't treated malaria in almost a year. It's been eight good years, eight terrible years, eight empty years. And here he was looking more handsome than the last time I saw him under our orange tree at our Estate. He hasn't changed a bit. Okay... maybe a little manly. Those eyes reminded me of rich black coffee for a cold morning, a cold heart like mine. Eyes large enough to fill my emptiness. The smartest Boy in class, his Queen's English to die for; perfectly complemented by his husky voice.

I remember falling for Ugly Chike just because He sounded a little more like Him. "But if e no be panadol, E no go fit be Panadol".
I recall crying my eyes out when He told me he was traveling to Canada for his first degree. "Four years" he said, "just Four years". And I made the stupid vow not to like any guy but wait for him to come back and marry me. Oh how foolish I was. Four years turned to Five , Six to Eight. All I heard of was the Canadian girlfriend he proposed to. Why should I blame him, I was the shy neighbor's child who had a major crush on Him.
Now, right across the street, in flesh and blood was my Dave! "Call Him now". My heart tells me. "No! How do I look, I should have worn that dress Anna bought for me, at least it showed my curves to the world" I said to myself. Fear creeps in to envelope me. "Chai, See my scattered Bob Marley hair sef" This is what happens when Satan wants to disgrace you.
"Jules?! Julie... It's been ages". That voice... "Oh My God, nobody calls me Jules, exept..." I thought within me. My heart beating like it's going to explode out of my chest. Turning around, I look into the warmest and darkest eyes ever.

To be Continued...

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