Return of the Jody ๐Ÿ˜ฌ๐Ÿฅ

Ok - It is surreal, writing here again for what was once Steemit. It feels like a lifetime ago, that last post, and really, it may as well be, with just how much everything has changed since then.

I'm not sure who of you will even remember me - I know only one person, for certain, who will read this and that is the love of my life, Alejandra. The reason for my return to blogging, and the reason for... well, so many things..! =) But ok, let me not get ahead of myself... There's too much to tell. I'm not sure how to begin!

'Reading my posts before, I remembered two things: I spent almost every free minute of my time preparing for the next post, and, I was rather unreserved in what I would share. In these two regards, things will be different. Time, as I used to talk about, has become more precious than ever. While I feel that writing, in general, is a very healthy thing, I certainly won't be posting 4-5 times a week. And yes... I'll probably be a little more shy about sharing more personal topics with you. Probably... ;P
[edit: Ok, I'm done with the post and it seems I can't help myself. But nah, I held myself back!]

When I sat down here to start this, I thought I'd be composing a Grand Return Post, complete with photos, my art, and more text than most of you would be willing to read XD .. But no. I think I'll start with a summary. A paragraph that I could have just written instead of all this preamble .. ๐Ÿ˜›

So! That new job I got was the reason I stopped blogging. I suddenly had a job I really enjoyed, earned a decent salary, and got a budding social life (that was trimmed prematurely by Covid-19). I had moved out into a new apartment by myself 2 months before lockdown started (March 2020) and well, it was a challenging but eventually healthy experience. After 2-3 weeks of feeling terribly alone, I got into a good habit of daily exercise. I started programming again, made a game, and was eating healthier than ever. I won't go into details but my wife and I got back together that year, and then separated for good at the end of March 2021. One short month after that, everything changed.

(Ok, two paragraphs!) .. Everything changed because Alejandra DMed me on Twitter, with a simple "Hi, how are you?" ... But wait, I need to back up a bit. Like so many, the cryptoart movement caught my eye in October 2020. I had already minted on MakersPlace back in December 2018 but hadn't really made any sales. But I got back into it and suddenly, I was selling! So from November 'til March 2021, sales were amazing. Then 10k collectibles took over and well - the rest is history. I'll write a few posts about all that, and the new art I made, sometime soon.

"Perhaps..." by @Alejandra.Her

(Three! C'mon, you're enthralled, aren't you?) .. I mention the art because, before the "Hi, how are you?", there was another momentous event. I saw the work of art "Perhaps..." by @Alejandra.Her .. For the first time, I just HAD to have a piece of art. It was so captivating...; The style, the little details, the questions it evoked, the fascinating, cryptic words of her description (and all her writing, I later discovered - in wonderful contrast to my own way of expressing myself - very outlined and literal). Gas was high so I didn't buy it immediately, and msged her to tell her how much I loved it. We ended up doing an art swap instead (my piece below - "Didn't Planet"). We talked a bit, I bought a few more of her pieces, and then one Saturday night, she asked me how I was, and we spent the night talking... And haven't stopped since ๐Ÿ˜Š

"Didn't Planet" by me

9 months later, I am reborn. I find myself in Venezuela, with a new life to look forward to. A new love. A new family. A new home. There have been moments when things were not easy for me, but they pale in comparison to the over-all, overwhelming joy I feel at having been so lucky as to find her, and having the means to be with her, and the privilege of her love and admiration.

Truly, I wish you all the happiness I have found, in 2022 and beyond.



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