What Happens # 4 : When you are in Love

From philosophers and historians, to poets and scientists alike, love has captured our imagination and curiosity for centuries. Many have experienced the rush of falling in love for the first time. Or the deep feelings of love for your children, family and friends.


But what is love from a biological perspective? No doubt its intertwined with the evolutionary survival of our species. After all you come from an unbroken line of organisms reproducing from the very first microbe that's split in two, to your ancestors who have all successfully mated since the dawn of time. Sadly. if you fail to have children this perfect streak comes to a halt. But while we are driven to reproduce, we are also driven to make sure our offspring survive.

Love is physically addictive

Though we often associate love with the heart, the true magic can be seen inside the brain. It may not be entirely surprising to find out that the brain of somebody in love looks awfully similar to one on cocaine. Cocaine acts on the pleasure centers in the brain by lowering the threshold at which they fire. This means that you feel really good a lot easier. We can see the same thing in the brain of those in love, but its not just the cocaine or the love that makes you feel good, its the fact that anything you experience will now more easily set off pleasure centers and make you feel good. Because of this you not only fall in love with the person, but begin to build a romanticized view of the world around you. Interestingly nearby pain and aversion centers begin to fire less, so you become less bothered by things. Simply put we love being in love.

Sweaty palms and a fluttering heart

So what chemicals are at work to make all of this happen? Both during ORGASM or by simply looking at photos of a loved one, there is a surge of dopamine and norepinephrine from the ventral tegmental area. This not only triggers sexual arousal in your racing heart, but gives you the motivation craving and desire to be with a person more and more. This explains the one-track mind you often adopt at the beginning of a courtship, unable to think about anything besides that cutie you met at your friend's party the other night.

Increases our focus

You see romantic love is not simply an emotion, it is a drive from the motor of the mind and this motor brings about intense energy focused attention and elation. The pleasure centers are part of brains reward system, the mesolimbic dopamine system. If you stimulate this region while learning. learning becomes much easier because its pleasurable and perceived as a reward.

Make us obsessed, territorial and aggressive

We also see a surge in the neuromodulator oxytocin(the love hormone) from the nucleus accumbens. Sometimes called the "commitment neuromodulator" because in mammals it helps to reinforce bonding or attachment. When prairie voles are injected with either oxytocin or vasopressin, they will instantly find a mate to pair a bond with. Finally, studies have shown that people in love have low levels of serotonin, which is similar to people with obsessive- compulsive disorder. This is likely the cause of our obsession and infatuation during early love.

Makes us foolish

The amygdala and frontal and prefrontal cortecies demonstrated diminished activity, and it just so happens those are the neurological regions “associated with fear, ...learning from one's mistakes, ...analysis and judgement, delayed gratification, and predicting the outcomes of events.” If the areas of our brains responsible for these critical thinking abilities aren't fully functioning, is it any wonder that many of us make the same mistakes over and over again in love?

Dilution of pupils

When you stare at the one you romantically desire, your pupils dilate. All of the excitement and nervousness leads to "stimulation of the autonomic nervous system's sympathetic branch," causing pupils to grow in size.

Amazingly, these areas associated with intense romantic love can remain active for decades, and while there are many other physiological and psychological components that add to the mix, the truth is, science still knows very little about exactly why or how love works. And yet somehow, we all seem to know it when we feel it.

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You can also check my other articles of the "What Happens" series
What Happens #3: When you quit smoking !!
What Happens #2 : When we have sex !!!
What Happens #1: To our body in space !!

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