
A long term good relationship, a passionate relationship, doesn’t just happen by chance, it very much needs to be nurtured, worked at and invested in.
The wisdom I discovered several years ago when Daniel and I first got together came from the ‘Marriage Enrichment’ course we did together.
In this course it was taught to us that if you want a passionate relationship, if you want to maintain that energetic love connection you must make time for your partner, pay attention to your partner, connect with your partner physically and emotionally, putting in effort to ensure you actively keep your romance and passion alive.
Before any other commitment of the week, we’d schedule in our diaries an evening that we call ‘Date Night’. We each take turns to plan what we’d do on this wonderful once a week extra special night.
And it works! We do have a passionate relationship!
The idea behind this, is when we first met, we used to look forward to the next time when we could see each other and be together.
We made an effort to dress nice, wearing our favourite scent, we may have bought a little gift and we used to savour the moments even if we didn't do anything out of the ordinary.
Why should it be different just because we are married or living together?
Both of us very much enjoyed the passionate relationship we first established and we wanted to keep it going.

So we actively set aside one evening a week or a long weekend once in a while where we can look forward to just spending nice times together, passionate times.
Not thinking about work, not talking about problems or family matters but just simply relax in each other’s company.
Apart from being lovers, that spark of our passionate relationship, we also want to be best friends, we want to know everything about each other, childhood dreams, what it was like growing up?, who we hung out with?
Our first experience of love our first passionate relationship,…
If your partner likes surprises, don’t tell him or her what you have planned.
Work within your budget and never feel that you have to spend a lot of money and never see it as competition, who’s spending the most money. This will only create unnecessary stress and defeats the whole object altogether.
Keep it quite simple, most weeks just plan a special evening or weekend once a month or every two months, discuss what is feasible for both of you and take turns to plan the surprise for each other.
Veronica, a dear friend of mine, felt that her relationship with her husband had become a bit stale, they always do the same things, week in, week out and she was wondering how she could bring back the passion and excitement that she felt at the beginning of their relationship.
Then she had an idea to reignite her passionate relationship….
When it was her turn to arrange their special Date Night, she wanted to surprise her husband with something a bit more special then just going out for the evening so she made a plan for Friday evening and the following Saturday.
She wrote a little note and put it on the bed where her husband would go when he comes home from work.
The note simply said ‘Meet me at: and then the address of a Hotel (not too far away from their home).
Then she went ahead and checked in at the Hotel prior to her husband’s arrival.
Bringing with her some delicious fruits, snacks and a bottle of Champaign.
To be even more romantic she lit up a dozen or so of tea light candles and placed them around the bath tub.
Then wanting to be fully relaxed she drew herself a long bath, enjoyed soaking in the luxurious soft bubbles with her favourite music playing in the background.
She felt so relaxed that she didn’t want to get out of the bath but she did because she wanted to get ready to greet her husband when he arrives.
They had the most wonderful weekend and decided that their passionate relationship was still very much important to them, so together they will continue to create more of this kind of experience, to enrich their marriage and their lives.
How about you? Does your relationship need a bit of TLC? Keep an eye out for creative ideas that would delight your partner and keep your passionate relationship alive and exciting, the way it was in the beginning.
If you have ideas that have worked for you, please share with us in the comments section below or send them through to me so that we can help each other to develop and grow real, enduring and wonderful passionate relationship.
Let’s create the happiness you deserve!
With much love
Loanne 💕

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