Daily Horoscope May 2 - Love, Health, Career for the 12 Astrological Signs


Love - Give and take is vital in love and Aries should not assume what their partner wants or even assume that because you have always done it one way that way is still relevant, it may have become stale and even a turn off and so look at new parameters and routines sexually.

Career - Time to bring financial negotiations to a close; if any financial discussion or haggling is dragging out, this may be the time you walk away – surprise your opponent and tell them you’re done.

Health - Look deep and look below the surface for solutions to problems and get at the root cause, which as is indicated can be in mental issues or anxiety.


Love - The hardest thing right now is getting the mx right and it can be hard to judge how and where to draw the line between the selfish side and the people pleasing side; remember if you energy is low and you feel disconnected it is probably because you have not been selfish enough.

Career - This is a period when Taurus need to access how well you are working with certain people or teams and you should start drawing to a close projects that are stagnating and where you can now see that you are not clicking with the others on the team.

Health - While you crave company, being alone can be the best thing for you as you need some space and time without being bombared by the overt and covert messages others send out about what they expect from you.


Love - A desire to reform can make you rather unpredictable; you are all about addressing problems and sometimes that means you make observations that may make a partner feel criticised or judged, but how can anything improve unless you indentify the cause.

Career - Bad working practices have to be outed right now and so it is time to put an end to anything which is part of your work day that lacks purpose, is shoddy, has become redundant or which is just not helping productivity. Get rid of an old computer or even old software and welcome in some brand new systems.

Health - Full moon in your 6th house brings about a tipping point and as it is conjunct Jupiter it will be big and bold; “To hell with it,” you shout as you pour away that fizzy drink, sign up to a gym or even tell your boss to go to hell as you make a big change for the better.


Love - Attending to the bigger goals or more pressing targets you have may have left little scope in your life for new pleasurable activities and so today you need to start spending that leisure time wisely and either seeking to ramp up romance or just doing stuff you used to enjoy together with a partner or alone which seems to have gone by the wayside.

Career - Know when to quit while you are on top and this goes for business activities, sporting and creative ones – you have peaked and now you need some caution.

Health - Today you have to learn to be strict as a parent; you have to know where to draw that line and say ‘no’ as it is likely that lax boundaries have led to the parent child relationship getting skewed in favour of the child who is pushing you too far.


Love - An influential or more experienced individual in your field may have an unusual proposition for you, watch out they may be toying with you via your ambition.

Career - Leo will find out soon how your recent efforts in connection with advancing you reputation, winning approval from superiors and job applications have gone, you should not second guess the outcome or pin your hopes on one thing – there is good stuff in store but it may work out differently from what was expected.

Health - Any chore or family matter you have no attended to will come to a head now – this is a ‘chickens come home to roost’ phase and Leo need to start tackling these chickens not ignoring them.


Love - There is a pause, no, not an emergency stop with burning rubber on the tarmac, just a chance to step off the dance floor and observe, take things in, gather your thoughts, and gain some insights that will help you carry on in a way that is more considered.

Career - Try not to get cornered by one person who wants to bend your ear or who is trying their best to convince you of something, you need broad perspectives now and so even if you skip around picking up titbits of info here and there, it will give you a better picture than focusing on one narrow line of enquiry.

Health - You will be burning off the calories today as you rush about juggling many balls and trying to catch up on things – keep hydrated with mineral water and try and eat a banana or grab a green smoothie for a long burst of energy.


Love - This is a day when Libra need to come to terms with how their needs are being met in love – sometimes you just cannot get everything you want from a partnership no matter how good and you need to know how to love, nourish and approve of yourself.

Career - It is a day for seeking comfort zones, you are more risk averse and while you can make good business and money decision they will not be very radical and may not have long term consequences.

Health - Gentle, low impact exercise has the most benefit; you should avoid anything strenuous or extreme. This a time to listen to your body and work with its natural rhythms never forcing.


Love - This is a very flamboyant time for Scorpio – you are louder and prouder and should not be modest, you should demand attention and you must assume a dominant role in terms of sex life and the emotional life in the partnership.

Career - Time to test ideas – put the ship out to sail and see how it fares in the high seas. A time where notions and philosophes must be tested in real world scenarios.

Health - With Jupiter in your 1st activated by a full moon Scorpio can surmount obstacles and you can make the impossible possible and so time to throw away the rule book and go for what you would normally fear.


Love - This is time to own up to what has been lurking beneath the surface; you may not be ready to talk to your partner about it, but you need to at least be more honest about it internally.

Career - This is an excellent period for Sagittarians who work in finance and investment as you can perceive the hidden potential in many investments others may overlook. You are quite canny when it comes to reading the markets and understanding trends.

Health - You are in the home strait – you should hold back, take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Am I ready?” Soon you will be tested to see if everything you have been doing up to now in terms of fitness and diet has paid dividends and panned out as you expected.


Love - The role you play in your spouse’s life is highlighted and you may find that your ability to be positive and provide insight to your partner’s problems at work or emotionally matters more than affection.

Career - Things are about to get very busy and you will be asked to act out of the scope of your experience, do be careful when you are in new territory as you could be over confident and miss a pitfall.

Health - You are entering a phase where you will be more in demand in your social circles but from a mothering or advice giving role and so if you are not up for that, avoid the phone and resist any clingy behaviour from friends.


Love - Sometimes someone does not mean as much to you as you thought – a romance that was recently all consuming can disappear in a puff of smoke.

Career - Time to just stop for a few minutes an think about where you are an how you can capitalise on your position and you may be in a unique time and place today and you need to recognise that.

Health - It can be hard to take a new step now; Aquarians are rather stuck in a rut and even though you know you are forming some bad habits you may not be able to do anything about it right now as you head is not in the right space for disciplined action.


Love - Pisces are a surprise element in relationships – you are a dynamite package looking to up the anti and burst any bubble of complacency that has set in in terms of sex or daily life.

Career - You are not working with reason right now – you like to work on impulse and let the mood or emotion grab you, this can help you adapt fast in people driven environments, but can hold you back if you are in with very regimented people, set in their ways.

Health - Positive thinking and also using you mind to direct energy to the various parts of your body which need healing or which you are working on in the gym, can be very powerful and so see that white light entering the body part you want to see an improvement in.

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