Daily Horoscope Jun 28, 2018 - Love, Health and Career


Love - Aries can become very irritable when under pressure or feeling restricted and so this is not the best day for being in close, confined contact with a lover or marriage partner.

Career - You are eager to take chances today and yet they may not always come off; you will take on the odds knowing that playing it safe just would not suit your mood.

Health - You may shun your usual supporters or teams to play away with the enemy – indeed you may look to embrace what your colleagues or associates would normally regard as ‘the opposition’ or something ‘out there’.


Love - Taurus are not into taking orders from anyone, if you do have to back down on an issue the resentment may linger.

Career - Your boss or someone you are working for may give you conflicting signals and you may be unsure of what they really want from you and this holds you back even if you want to get on with things.

Health - Taurus may be enjoying fruit juices and smoothies, but this is not a substitute for water – even if you are eating more fruit you still need a good amount of clear, fresh water.


Love - You are probably leaving it to your partner to be the sensible one right now as you throw caution to the wind and act with more than a small degree of healthy optimism – you may leave your partner scratching their head and wondering what has got into you.

Career - While you are ambitious in setting goals you must not be too impatient as goals set now may be harder to achieve than it first appears and while you may still get there it may take longer and a few adjustments to the route.

Health - Gemini are burning the candle at both ends, you tend to get quite excited about things and you are not always aware of your own limits or that of others and you can get into deep water emotionally and perhaps it terms of physical exertion.


Love - While your sex drive is higher leading you to initiate sex, it may turn out very differently to what you had in mind and this can be rather frustrating. Best to avoid casual sexual encounters.

Career - With Mars retrograde in your 8th house is not the best time to begin a loan application or start a crowd funding drive— you may find that slow going and not very promising.

Health - Cancer need to analyse flare up of anger and unexpected bouts of jealousy and bitterness; you may have to grapple with darker emotions that you often like to deny you even have.


Love - It’s important for Leo remember that you’re not the only one putting work into a relationship, so give you partner more credit even if what they are trying to do sometimes fails.

Career - Team efforts can be successful but it takes added effort to keep everyone working together and not at cross purposes and so make sure meetings stay focused and you send out many memos.

Health - Avoid aggressive people and those who have had too much alcohol, you could be a victim of crime right now and so be careful of your person and your belongings.


Love - Use humour to deal with tense situations in love; try not to be sarcastic, just try and get you both laughing and seeing the funny side.

Career - Pace yourself as you can quickly get stressed today – resist pressure from others and avoid those last minute dot com types who leave everything until the last mite and then put their panic on you.

Health - Virgo should avoid the sun and opt for a shady spot with a lemonade – you are prone to headaches and also heat rash and so stay hydrated and avoid crowded areas a direct sun.


Love - New romances may hit a stumbling block – you may both become stubborn and unwilling to yield to each other. You may be asking if you really are compatible after all.

Career - With Mars going retrograde in the 5th, this coming period can be fun and also highly productive if you are willing to try attempt many different things and to improvise.

Health - When it comes to cures or even emotional support do not put all your eggs in one basket; look at things holistically and see the physical, spiritual and emotional links and how they all feed into problems and thus all have to be part of the solution.


Love - Family mattes can drain your energy and so keep any family gatherings simply and do not plan to entertain from home this weekend a it may be very hectic and chaotic.

Career - Rome was not built in a day and you may have less control over progress now that you think and so stop pressuring yourself.

Health - Scorpio may need more rest than usual, even if you are not feeling tired try and get an early night an eat a light meal.


Love - Your sexual desire in heightened and you may be not so subtle when you initiate sex or intimacy – Sagittarians are certainly leaders not followers in the bedroom and you know how to use those hands.

Career - The people you work with may have some half baked ideas and it is up to you to tame these wild plans and get colleagues focussing on something concrete.

Health - Whatever you do take it in bite size chunks and see how you go; it’s best to attempt things in small, repetitive efforts than to try for one big grand whammy.


Love - You can be very stubborn today and your partner should not test you as you will react strongly if your needs and feelings or boundaries are not respected.

Career - With Mars just going retrograde in your 2nd house, you should avoid initiating too much financial action, especially if it is risky as chances are it will not pay off.

Health - Capricorn must avoid getting too much sun on your neck and so make sure that vulnerable area on the back of the neck and shoulders is protected.


Love - When it comes to new romance you will make your presence known; this is not a time where you let chances pass you buy, you want to make new starts and love is one of those areas where you want to open doors.

Career - While your motivation is high you may start off a new project in the entirely wrong way and so get ready to adjust and stay flexible and not getting wed to one set of rules, parameters or one method.

Health - You are eager for results and yet some things cannot be hurried – Aquarians are inclined to throw the baby out with the bathwater.


Love - You are a mystery right now and so if your partner misunderstands you, do not take it the wrong way, you are being confusing and you probably do not realise it.

Career - If you are feeling guilty for day dreaming and procrastinating right now, don’t! You are not yet ready to take action and easing off on the pressure and letting events, facts and the universe send you some signals is a good course of action.

Health - Pisces can benefit from water sports where you take pressure of joints and so swimming or water aerobics may appeal; even a quite wade in the sea can help clear your head and cleanse the aura.

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