Everyday Bravery Is Going to Stop #MeToo

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Pressing Issue

I know I'm going in a different direction with this post than I've ever gone before. Usually, I write about writing and publishing. However, the #MeToo movement has been such a hot topic since the end of last year. A story that I heard inspired me to finally write down my thoughts on sexual harassment​ and the magnitude of it.

Everyday Hero

Let's say his name is George (the hero wants to remain anonymous). George is someone I'm very close to. You don't need to know the details of his life because his actions are the focal point of this story. George went off to work one morning. The scene of work: outside someone's home. He heard scuffling coming from the side of the house. A man had taken a woman by force and was attempting to rape her.

Choice of the Day

Two things: 1) George could have been scared to engage and turned a blind eye. 2) George could do something about it. George chose to do the latter. He told the guy to stop and leave the girl alone. Then the attacker had the audacity to throw a punch at George! A black eye bloomed. Adrenaline kicking in, George threw several punches until the attacker was unable to carry out his sick plans.

Mama Bear Pride

When my husband told me George's story, my heart swelled with pride. I messaged George and told him so. I was thinking that I would want my sons to be just as brave in defending those who need help.

The Next Step

Awareness of a problem is a huge step to solving one. The #MeToo movement has been instrumental in banding men and women together in sharing their stories, in showing we are not alone.

What's the next step? How do we solve this problem? We need to get to the root. Curing the symptoms doesn't cure the disease. The answer is so simple and perhaps the hardest to execute because it requires selflessness.

The Answer

We need to love others just as much as we love ourselves, even more. Let this be our anthem! Ingraining this principle within our minds will make it manifest in our lives.

  1. What we can do: Just like George, we might find ourselves to be witnesses of sexual harassment. Do we give into fear, just retreat into our own bubble, and pretend we never saw anything? Or do we bravely defend those who may not be able to defend themselves? Do we use our voices to be the voice for those who may not be able or are afraid to speak? If we truly love our fellow man, we will act and do something. We will trumpet Justice.

  2. For any of you who have been tempted to take advantage of others, set aside your selfish desires. Don't give in to what you want at the expense of others. Be brave by walking in a new direction and love and respect those around you. If you already have, forgiveness is possible. Second chances can happen.

  3. In addition to being heralds​ of Justice, we need to live our everyday lives, loving and respecting those around us in all the big and small ways. Let us be examples to everyone around us, not so that we can be complimented on how wonderful we are but so that the spirit of loving others will grow beyond ourselves, beyond​ our community, and out into the world. That is how we're going to change the world.

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