My definition of Someone.

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Have you found someone who loves you more than you love them? The one your heart desires? It can be because you are yourself when you're around him. No pretensions, just you.

You fall in love with someone who can be your friend, best friend and enemy at the same time, who makes you feel secure and confident with yourself. With someone, who you can trust and who you can turn to. Thru good times and the bad.

Someone who can take all your fears and insecurities away and will be proud to show you off to everybody else.

Where can we find that someone? I don't know, but one things for sure. It will come. Later, tomorrow, soon enough. Just be patient.

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Good things come to those who wait right? Don't rush. Everything you rush will end quickly. Everything worth having is everything worth waiting. In God's perfect time, you'll meet him / her and when that time comes. Embrace it, and never let it go.

Hey there my someone, I hope to see you soon! 💋

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