Finding Happiness #4 Memoirs of a Happy Life šŸ˜Š (Communication Tips for a Strong and Happy Relationship)

Communication is the first thing we really learn in life. Funny thing is, once we grow up, learn our words and really start talking, the harder it becomes to know what to say or how to ask for what we really need. Effective communication is not just useful at your workplace or with friends, itā€™s also super useful in your relationship.


Effective communication is really 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.
Although, it might seem as though most broken relationships happen as a result of poor communication.

The way we humans communicate with one another is very important that is why good communicators are often more successful in life than bad ones. They always get better jobs, hold on to their jobs, and foster longer lasting relationships in practically all areas of life.

Itā€™s very important you and your partner have a strong bond with love, trust and understanding. Without understanding, trust and love canā€™t really be built to the level that itā€™s supposed to be.

Here are a few tips that could help foster better communication with your partner.


When having a conversation with your partner, do you listen to him? Or do you partly switch off into your own world because something else wants 50% of your attention, like that new episode of ā€œJane the Virgin (itā€™s 6:45pm and It starts by 7:00pm), or your phone needs your attention.

If you have to yell out ā€œIā€™m listening then you really arenā€™tā€. And this is really frustrating and so bad that it can also put holes in your relationship. The biggest communication problem is we do not listen to understand. We listen to reply.
When heā€™s got something he really wants to talk to you about, give him your undivided attention. Actively engage yourself in the conversation. Donā€™t just assume things without clarifying first. The single biggest problem in communication is the illusions that it has taken place. Communication to a relationship is like life to oxygen, without itā€¦ā€¦it dies.

Spend Time Just Talking

How much time do you dedicate to spend time just talking one on one with your partner? Relationships are harder now because conversations become texting, arguments become phone calls, and feelings become status updates. It is not distance that keeps people apart but lack of communication. The worst distance between two people is misunderstanding.

Each day, try as much as possible to spend a bit of time just talking to your partner. Keep every distractions away, put off the TV, put away your phones. Talk about your day, your plansā€¦.talk about anything you want.

Remember That He Canā€™t Read Your Mind

Why complicate life?
Want to be understood? Explain, Have questions? Ask, Donā€™t like something? Say it! Like Something? State it, Want something? Ask for itā€¦.The list goes on and on.

For whatever reason, some women expect men to have mind reading abilities (Wish I did). This kind of misunderstanding occurs a lot, but it can be avoided by simply speaking up! Donā€™t assume heā€™s going to know exactly what your plans are. We guys still struggle with some things, so telepathy is totally out of reach.

Donā€™t Dig Up The Past

If youā€™re always one to bring up something he did wrong in the past each time you guys have an argument, itā€™s time to stop doing that. It totally defeats the element of trust and forgiveness and the spirit of doubt creeps in.

I hope youā€™ve found usefulness in this article and these advises somehow will help you to feel happier. Thank you for taking out time to read this.

I will be happy to hear from you, so please, feel free to share your tips in the commentā€™s section below.


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