Thanks Emily

A short story on how my husband and I met

Emily and I going to a high school formal when we were 17. We've been friends since grade 5.

“When are they supposed to be here?” I asked Emily.

“They should be here now,” she replied.

I looked around the mall eagerly for two people I haven’t even met before. One I was more excited to see than the other. I had been through a few bad relationships, and had decided to stop dating until I graduated from high school. But when Emily told me that her family would meet with a Korean family who had a nephew living with them around our age, my interest was piqued. It was piqued even further when Emily said he was unattractive, because whenever Emily said someone was unattractive, 95% of the time they were very attractive. She even thought Hugh Jackman was ugly!

So we set a date so that Emily, Emily’s friend Minha, myself, and the guy named Kris, would all meet together at the mall. Minha was also staying with Kris’ family as an international student. Emily and I arrived before Minha and Kris. We sat in front of Chapters and my head bobbed back and forth as I scanned passing faces.

Then a girl and a very tall boy walked up to us. I looked up, and up, and up to see his handsome face. His 6’2” was a sight to see for my 5’4” height. He was more than I ever expected. He bowed to me and introduced himself to me, and I was instantly hooked. Throughout our time at the mall, I got to know him a little better. He was sweet, kind, and such a gentleman that I was head over heels by the end of the night. I knew I wanted to meet him again.

Thanks to Emily, whenever her family went to his family’s house, they brought me along. I was shy, and so was he. It became like a middle school crush. Then one day Emily told me that he thought I was cute! Just like middle school, I told her to tell him I thought he was cute too, and ask if he wanted to go on a date. He said yes, and we went on our first date on January 28th, 2013 to see the movie “The Guilt Trip” at the theatre.

My biggest fear with our relationship was my anxiety. One day while I was at his house, I felt so anxious that I puked. Emily was hanging out with us, and I asked her to take him for a walk because I didn’t want him to hear me puking in his house. They left, and I cried. I went outside and laid down on the grass in front of his house to cool myself down. When they got back, he asked me what was wrong, and if I was ok. I broke down and told him about my anxiety.

I was sure that our relationship would be over, but he surprised me like no one ever has before. He accepted me. He didn’t understand at first, but he took the time to look up my anxiety disorder, and what it meant for our relationship. He stayed with me through everything, and I’m so thankful for it.

From there, our relationship blossomed to something I never imagined would happen. He was my high school sweetheart, and we went to each other’s prom together. In August of 2016, Kris and I got engaged, and were married later that month. His mother flew over from South Korea to be part of the wedding, and my life couldn’t be better. He has become a beacon of positivity in my life. And to this day, Emily reminds me that this is all thanks to her. So thanks, Emily.

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