When your love leave you

Have you ever experience heart break? Maybe some one you love so much just told you is over or you lost a love one or may be you saw your love with some one else. No doubt you will feel that your life is meaningless. How can you find comfort in this ugly situation?
The prophet Jeremiah once said: “A grief that is beyond curing has come up into me. My heart is ill.” (Jeremiah 8:18) You may also feel as if the pain will never go away. But note the words of the apostle Paul: “Blessed be . . . the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation.” (2 Corinthians 1:3, 4) God offers this comfort primarily through the pages of his written Word, the Bible. Furthermore, his spirit can move friends and family members to render needed help and support.
You are not alone, you can also share your problem with others, that is your trusted friends,love.jpeg you may get a realistic solution.

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