"A Crazy Little Thing Called LOVE"

What is it? When I think about love, I feel like it’s some sort of hieroglyph. It is defined in so many different ways by every person, symbolically unique, so how can we definitely say “Love is...”?

(Me, today! Taken with my iPhone 6s)

There are of course many types of love. Love between your family members, love with your career path, love within nature, and finally with another human. We seek to find love in all parts of our life because I believe it is more than just a feeling; it is a state of mind. Once we find a root of love in every aspect of our lives is when we can develop and evolve into magnificent beings. Love brings pure bliss, joy, and growth, but love can also cause heartache when that root breaks.

Recently I was able to fly to California for a day to see one of my childhood friends get married (a big thanks to my mom for helping me pay for half my flight to make it all possible).

(My dear friend and I at her wedding 9/23/16, taken with my iPhone 6s)

Now, I understand many people have different opinions on marriage; I am one of those people who support it in all forms and hope to make that commitment one day. Some people think marriage is silly which is totally fine. Marriage is a commitment made between two people, agreeing to come together as one: one team, one unit. I haven’t been to many weddings in my lifetime, but I think I have decided that I love them. No matter how similar they all are, I love witnessing the couples’ big day. It is a bold step in a relationship to commit to each other for a lifetime, but when you know you know… right?! My favorite part of a wedding is being able to turn and look at the groom’s face as he catches his first glimpse of his bride walking down the aisle. You can almost feel the love in his gaze the look is so strong with absolute adoration and happiness straight from his eyes. I was a blubbering mess because my wonderful friend who was the bride played a huge part in my life when my parents were going through a divorce. She was my older sister and mentor. What I’m getting at here is marriage between two people is amazing to witness, it’s their big day, the day where they decide to continue to grow and love each other until they are old and wrinkly through all the curveballs life has to throw at them.

So many of us spend a lot of our lives trying to find “The One.” The One who isn’t a family member, but loves you just as unconditionally. I know all you strong independent men and women don’t need no one else to make you happy, because we can all find happiness on our own. But what if you find someone who enhances that happiness? Who makes you grow, challenges you to try new hobbies and dive your creativity into new outlets? Who loves on you and works with you, not against you, in times of struggle? Who spontaneously buys a waffle maker just because they are craving waffles?

(My boyfriend and I @codylang hanging out on Maui 9/1/16 taken with my iPhone 6s)

Love between yourself and another person can be one of the most invigorating experiences in your lifetime. And you won’t know its love until… well you know. There are no physical, earthly words to describe this kind of love because it is so much bigger than what is now. I have been in a few relationships where I thought I knew what love was, until I started the relationship I am in now. They are all unique, and world’s different, but this relationship is love. It is built on a strong foundation of healthy roots in still being our own person, but growing together as us.
We are moving in together. I just moved all of my personal and sentimental belongings into a one bedroom ohana (family home) with Cody. This is a chapter of my life that hasn’t been written. I have never had a boy roommate. Or lived with a boyfriend. So of course I am nervous, but it all happened smoothly, and at the right time so I know it is meant to be. There was no forcing it, and we are both taking it really well. Both of us are excited for the new adventure. Just another thing that comes with love between another human: adventure.

I believe our world is founded on love and good morals, but sometimes we get lost. We lose sight of things we love dearly and sometimes it’s hard getting back on that track. Whether we lose our significant other, or a family member, it is important to remember the roots of love that we have established prior to these sad events happening in our lives. Reestablish those roots and stay true to who you are. Find that love and don’t let go, take it all in and create adventure.


I also just love my mom and sister so so much. Family love exists because you're going to be related to them no matter what, whether you like it or not. I don't care who you are, you're always going to have some little pull of love to a relative.

(Photo taken by Cody on his fancy camera, July 2016)

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