Are you really my friend..#quality of a good friend

There is a saying that friendship is a lost art. But it has not been explained if such a statement is an exaggeration or not, since everyone these days has “ friends”. But are they really your friend, or are you actually a friend to someone?

since the innovation of platform like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, it has affected the rate at which h people interacts with others fascialy, Everyone in one social media or the other having friends and followers makes them think they are a good friend. There is absolutely no substance in such friendships they don’t last very long and never give a positive experience to anyone. Mind you, you can’t just be a good friend you have to learn to be a good friend. It’s an art, it takes time, and in the end, it’ll be incredibly beneficial to you.

     Simple keys of becoming a Good Friend
  • Always create a time or Make an Effort to Visit Them: It has been observed this days we only get in touch with our friends through social media, Being in touch through social media is not actually being in touch. It has only succeeded in hindered us in realizing how lovely life can be with a friend. I know distance can actually be an obstacle, but do not worry about how far they are because a good friend will always try to make an effort to visit his or her friend.

  • Always try to Listening And Hear whatever they have to say: It can be frustrating not listening and be patient to hear what they have to say There is nothing worse than listening to them and not hearing them what they are saying, try to give them your attention when needed, Listen to their difficulties, their hardships, and their ideas no matter how silly it may sound. Do not ignore their ideas the moment you hear them, be positive in talking with them and let them always see hope and joy in talking to you.

  • Always Be truthful to them: honesty as we all know is the best policy. you should always be honest and truthful to your friends. If you are honest, they will always come to you for help or for an advice, because in the long run, it will be the best choice.

  • Avoid discrimination: Always remember you are not superior to them and neither they are superior to you. Everyone has flaws and no one is perfect. Treat them how you would treat yourself. Nobody likes to be talked to in a disrespectful manner.

  • Be on the lookout to help them when they are in need: Like the saying goes "A friend in need is a friend indeed". The most important way you can show love to them is to be there for them when they need your help. whether it is by just giving them a few encouraging words it can heal their wounds.

  • Never give promises that you can't fulfill: Don’t make promises that you can’t keep just because you want to make them feel happy for a while in the end, it will only hurt them even more. Put into consideration if you can meet to his or her demand before making promises.

And finally no man is perfect, we are bond to have misunderstanding, even if you are the one at fault or the opposite, always be on to lookout to settle quickly, ask for forgiveness, you may not be the one at fault, but for once act as a fool by bringing yourself down to as for forgiveness because remember two wrongs can't make a right.

My friends, neither myself we are not perfect but those and many more are some of the attributes that has been keeping me and my lovely friends going and growing higher in life. I can proudly say I have the best kind of friends you can think of.

That's me and my damsel, you can follow her up @thomasgift

That's me and Mr Adams, you can follow him up @nesis

That's me and Mr Kenneth, you can follow him up @kennethok


Here comes the best set of friends you can ever think of. Myself, Mr Kenneth, Mr Adams and the most pretty damsel on earth you can think of, I love these guys like mad. Lol

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