Are you Single and in a relationship? I have something to tell you today. It will pay you well to listen well.

I know you're probably enjoying that relationship. I know that guy or girl is probably making you happy right now. I know to you, it seems he or she is the best and better than the previous.

Or maybe the guy is just about coming into your life and is promising you heaven and earth. Perhaps the girl is so beautiful and attractive that you feel no one could be better.

Maybe you're trying to test the ground and you're seeing green lights that you are good to go, because of the enticing things you're getting.

But, My Dear, don't be carried away by all of those things. Those things you are seeing now could quickly fade away immediately you get married. Let no one deceive you, and, don't deceive yourself.

There are many fake cares that come as a bait. Many people have in the past taken the bait only for them to get married and discover something different. Many of such people are now weeping in their marriages.

They got carried away yesterday by the reason of the goodies they were getting from that guy or girl, but those things have today carried them to where they are now regretting that they ever knew this same person or met him or her in the first place.

Don't even allow someone's show of spirituality to make you marry. The fact that he can pray and move the mountains does not mean he would be a good husband or wife, or would not make you weep in marriage.

A show of affection could be faked. The fact that he or she is caring does not always count or make him or her a good prospect for a good marriage. Even the fisherman shows cares for the fish he's about to hook up for the kill.

The fact that someone has good friends does not mean he or she is a good fellow. One lady once got married to a young man who was even a pastor, after their six months of knowing each other, basically because of the kind of good friends he saw around him. After all, birds of same feather flock together.

Little did she know that each friends has their own unique characteristics, and that when the guy is angry he does not even look at his friends' faces not to think of listen to what they are saying.

Well, she got married and had a glamorous wedding. But in another three months she was sent packing. That was the end of that marriage even till this hour.

I've told you before, now I tell you again. Don't be carried away by what you are seeing or hope to be seeing. Let no one deceive you and don't deceive yourself.

Sometimes seeing is believing but not reality. The fact that you believe something is true does not mean it is so. And, if it is not so, it cannot be so.

Marriage is more complicated than what you're seeing and thinking as a Single. There are things you must do and questions you must ask before you enter or decide to spend the rest of your life with somebody you didn't know from Adam. There are things you must find out. There are checks you must make.

Don't let the fact that you are getting older make you to enter into an everlasting bondage. Wedding is just a day event. Marriage is for a lifetime.

Don't be carried away with the good thoughts of how greatly it would feel like to wear a wedding gown. A glamorous wedding could end up in a destructive marriage. Make your research, ask your questions, do your home works. Before you make your decision.

Even if you have decided before now, you can recheck that decision so you will be certain it is the right one, the best one and a one you will not regret tomorrow.

There are tools you must use to do this. There are questions you must ask that will help you. There are ways by which you can see the future even while in the present.

You must look before you leap. And there are ways to look and see nothing even where there are many things.

But, if you look with the right kind of eyes, and the right kind of glasses, you will surely see what you ought to see, including all the hidden agendas, hidden future problems and hidden secrets of the past that was never wanted to be let out.

You must ask some questions, pray some prayers and make some research. All of these I taught you in my book 7 QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED

You will do yourself a great good to get a copy and read it. No book was ever like it. Not in terms of being good, but in terms of helping you to making the right and the best choice of a life partner.

Many other books are better than it, but no book can help you to know and see the best person meant for you like this book would do.

It is not a boast, it is the reality. It perfectly balances between the natural and the spiritual, and defuses the wrong teachings many teachers people look up to have wrongly taught people.

People who have read it have testified to it. But, reading a book is not just want you need, but applying what you read. If you read 7 QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED and follow what you read from there, you would not only marry rightly but you would have seen how your marriage would look like even before you get married.

That is the unique thing about the book. And, that is the greatest thing you need in life before you attach yourself to anyone for life.

You must see the future before you enter. You must see tomorrow even while you are in your today. You must see the good and bad things that will happen in that marriage.

You must see the good side and the bad side of that person. I'm not just talking about the good and bad side in the now, but also the good and bad side that would emerge in your marriage.

You must have a good glance into the future and be ready for that future. You must know the future of your marriage before you enter the marriage.

These are what the book will help you to know. And that is why you need to read it before you marry that person.

You can get Soft Copy to your phone no matter where you are in the world today. Just WhatApp or call +2347030371153 to know how to get one.

I've told you before, I tell you again: DON'T BE CARRIED AWAY. MARRY THE RIGHT PERSON.

Join Me This Sunday 15th of July 2018 as I celebrate My Birthday with a Special Event called ELEVATED RELATIONSHIP: RELATIONSHIP ELEVATED.

WhatsApp or Call 07030371153 for Details. We plan giving out the Hard Copy of 7 QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK BEFORE YOU GET MARRIED to every Single in attendance, provided we get enough sponsors for such free distribution.

You Too Can Sponsor Some Copies. Call or WhatsApp to know how to do that and help others with what you have. A copy is just N500.

Founder, The King's People Connection & Happy Marriage Training Programme

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