A Happy Woman Makes A Happy Home.

I do not know how many people would accept this but I think it is 100% true. The first post I made on this topic got wiped off I don’t know how that happened but am trying to get some words back together.

A woman in the heart of her home is like shoots of the olive and the man is the water that freshens and makes the olive grow, glow and blossom. Hence if a man makes a woman happy, happy home would he get.

Most men does not know how to treat a good woman but for those who do... kudos and shout out to you. So many times I have wondered why in the past or might still be happening, why women were considered insignificant. I shake my head because women play a vital role in helping run the home while the man provide for the daily bread, although these days the man does not do that alone but the man remains the head of the home.

Hardly would you find a wife who is free doing nothing. It’s either she is nursing a child, have a job, run around the chores and make foods for the home. Well thank God for nannies who comes to their rescue to help and save them from breaking down.

You can not give a woman pains and hurt her then expect to have a peaceful home, it’s just not possible. The reason being that when you show her love she is good, when you hurt her just be ready to leave at the top of the roof, when you care and respect her expect her love like no man's business. It therefore happens that you get what you sow in the life of your woman and that would determine a happy home or not. I also think this is the way life operates generally, people get confortable and are peaceful around those who show and treat them with greater level of importance and love.
However, what ever a woman is that she will get to impact on the children, if not 100% but above 50%. So every man should look for a good woman or be good to the women they find and if you have found yours treasure her.

Have you wondered why women call their spouses ‘baby’? I guess in the real sense of the word men are babies, not in the bad light though...haha. This can be liken to the fact that Men are taken care of, cooked for, checked on and looked after by their wives, no wonder he will have to leave his mother and his father and cling to his wife because she will turn to the new parent.

Anyways I don’t think a good woman has ever complained about her responsibility as the mother of the marriage except that if she is not well treated, appreciated and loved for her hard work. All she needs are words of encouragement and support because every good woman know her duty and way around the home.

What do you do to maintain happiness in your home.

compliment her all the time

Tell her how wonderful she is doing, how proud you are of her and how easy she has made life to be for the family. All these things makes a good woman understand that her man is behind her and that he is seeing the effort she is making in the home.

Love her and accept her for who she is.

If she has accepted do be with you, then you must accept to be with her. It’s not easy after all she does, still struggle to look good for you. That alone is a bonus. There are men who body shame their wives and would not want to show them off to the world because they feel she is not as beautiful as before or her body is not as perfect as it used to be. What where you expecting in the first place? Do you think she is a mannequin? O no I guess not. So please accept her and if you feel the need to change somethings then talk to her about it and help her through that journey.

Remind her always that she is the best

Every woman loves hearing that she is the best thing that has ever happened to you. Tell her always, tell her because no one can do it like she does it. She is the best version of herself and that needs to be appreciated . Tell her she cooks the best meal, she is the best woman in the world and trust me you would have a happy woman around you.


Every marriage or relationship needs understanding, love is not enough but understanding your spouse goes a long way to keeping the relationship smooth and running. This will also help the children because a happy and comfortable home helps to shape the behaviour and mentality of children towards life. This will lead them through till they also find someone they can love and care for too.

Let us appreciate our mothers , wives and women. Without them the world would really be a boring place.
Thank you for reading. You can also add what you feel makes a woman happy for a happy home down at the comments it will be well appreciated as it enhances learning and knowledge.

Image sources: GOOGLE.

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