How many times do people fall in love?


A person can fall in love with multiple people at the same time. Gabriel Garcia Marquez said the saying. Love is eternal, true love once in life. There are many arguments about this. There are also studies. Does love come once in human life? Why do people once again break the relationship and get involved in the new? If necessary, in the realities of life or by its own will? I do not understand what the mind really wants, what he wants.
The Huffington Post made a survey on two thousand men and women last year. According to the survey, 73 percent of men and women feel that people fall in love seven times in life. But one-third of two thousand people think that 'true love' is only once in life. Some people fall in love with the same person more than once. 17 percent of men say they have fallen in love with another love. They are currently with the second partner. Holding a kind of 'compromise' says 'true love' is one.45 percent of men have more than one love. 39 percent of men and women said they were in love once in life. And only 47 percent fell in love. They married the boyfriend.
This love style is different. The first love, the only time spent or aerobic love Someone is just for the thrill. Some people say the ultimate love, the result of which is tied to the house. It has decided to spend time in happiness and sorrow, saying that 'final' It may also come out in love with a peeping love.Most women and men in love do not live in the beginning. However, some people choose second companion for a slip or other reason.
Many people think of falling in love with fate. That's not right. They choose another love for themselves.
The Guardian made a survey on three thousand people. There, it is seen that one in five people have more than one love. They are doing it more with colleagues, friends. They are happy even in their personal life. Relationship with the partner is also good. Yet they got involved with another person.
25 percent of them have another love at the same time for five years. 29 percent of men and 19 percent of women split into marriage because of their second love. Interested in more than one love after 60 years of age and 30 years of age. They get the love they think they are not getting what they want. They are not satisfied with anything in life. Always looking for something new.

Started by Marquez. In the words of the end or whatever. He said, "The most important thing in married life is not happiness, permanence."

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