
Dear Someone,
This letter is for you. You that felt the one you gave your heart to was going to be different from the one that broke your heart in the past. You that's wondering what to do when it looks like the one who broke your heart is the only one that can fix it. You that the only time you smile is when you think about the one who broke your heart. This letter is for you!

You that deep down inside you, the one you want is the one that hurt you and broke your heart. You that the person who broke your heart again and again is the one you have vowed to spend your life with. You that the person you want to text/call right now is the one who played games and broke your heart.
This letter is for you!
You that's wondering how does one specific person in your life, go from the one who motivates you, and makes your life seem so complete you can do anything to become someone that broke your heart and make you feel lost and mean nothing to anyone. This letter is for you!
I want you to know that love is a perishable thing and what’s done is done. What happened has already happened. You can’t keep opening up old wounds. You can’t keep picking at scars ready for them to bleed. You can’t keep opening up your heart until all of it has dissolved right in front of you. You can't keep running back to the one that hurt you in your mind all the time. They might be kind, loving and caring but you know that in reality they are quite the opposite.
Don't cry over that guy who broke your heart; Don't cry over that girl who broke your heart. They only broke it because they knew they weren't going to be the one to complete it. Stop begging them to stay in your life and don't try to pay them back. The best revenge you can have for the one that broke your heart is to show them you're perfectly capable of being happy without them. Don't allow their actions to become drama in your Spirit. Stop thinking that you are not good enough. The one who broke your heart will never be as good as God who made you and has a plan for you! Have a favored mentality and consider that heartbreak as part of God's “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11).
Stop putting so much energy into avoiding that hurt, when God would have you embrace it? God can heal your hurts and use them for His benefit. Have faith and believe that the circumstances you think are harming you are actually positive situations God is engineering. God is omnipotent, He has seen the breadth and depth of your circumstances, and He knows his plans for your life. He has seen how broken you are, and He won't disappoint your trust in Him. He won't allow the scepter of wickedness to rest upon you, your family and your estates a second time.
. He won't let anyone question and ask you where is your God. So “Drink deeply of the pleasures of this God.
Experience for yourself the joyous mercies He gives to all who turn to hide themselves in Him” (Psalms 34:8).

You deserve love that's never accompanied by doubt. You deserve to have a Sunday kind of love in Him.

@favourh cares!

. @O
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