Don't mistake lust or pitied for love!

Love is such a beautiful feelings. It is fun, free & playful. Mostly people fall in love easily when they are emotionally down and going through the darkest moment of their lives because sometimes we always need a shoulder to lean on. This is the time to guard your heart jealously because you are vulnerable and unable to differentiate what exactly you feel.
But unfortunately at such time peoples tend to fall harder thinking there are in love. I know you might really be thinking what pity really is?
PITY is the compassionate sorrows we feel towards the suffering of others. You should naturally feel pity for someone you genuinely love (I repeat genuinely love) when they are suffering but if you take pity away what else do you feel for them. What will be heal when that wound has been healed. Am not saying that love cannot grow out of a relationship that begins with pity and suffering but its really rare because if pity is taken for love then am afraid that very love won't last. Because at the end of that relationship you would likely hear the hurting person say "after all I have done for you"but the truth of the matter is that all those things was out of compassion and its has made them bored. Because outside the pity they can't see anything that makes you both compatible. So your love is shattered.
True love comes from within. Don't pretend to love by faking your love for someone out of pitied. You need to be loved and wanted and not to be pitied. If you don't feel love for him/her don't hide under pity. Let them go. They will curse, sulk or even hate you now or even till eternity but you did the right thing not leading them on, I guess as times goes on there will realized that they deserved better and so do you. Drop your comment if you are actually confused whether you are LOVE or PITIED!

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