You will be easily disappointed, if only your heart is far from the love of God, because it is too confident in human love will make you expect too much for him

Love the person you love with just a little, don't let your love blind you to God's love. That is, when you love, when you love someone try to keep your heart from overdoing it.

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Because, not a few people who are too struggling for love, who consider his love is the greatest love, to forget the love of God, then really in the end he carved his own wound.

Why? Because when someone is too dependent and hopeful to humans, that's where Allah will test it with a disappointment, because humans are imperfect creatures, which cannot always fulfill your hopes.

In contrast to the love of God, which is up to any time and even though it is as great as any of your expectations for Him, then surely Allah will always grant it, if indeed what you hope is the best for you.
Therefore, when you love someone, don't allow your heart to love so much, don't really love it, don't really hope, and don't really depend, so that we won't be very sick later.

Keep the love of God that you make the most important love in your heart, even though how beautiful human love is offered to you, because no matter how loyal he is to you will eventually leave you, because there is no eternal love in this world other than the love of Allah.

love the person you love with no exaggeration, realize the heart that human love is not eternal. Besides that it could be that love that you are proud of will someday turn into hate, which in the end will make you regret very much.

That's why you have to guard your heart wisely, because the saying says that love and hate have very thin differences.

In fact, we have never been able to resist love and have difficulty avoiding hatred. But we can control it before the feeling is deep and entrenched.

So always remind yourself not to really love, let alone ignore the love of God. Because such love will be very painful.

You will be easily disappointed, if only your heart is far from the love of God, because it is too confident in human love will make you expect too much for him.

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