Meeting the "partner of your dreams"

Being the computer literate and young adult I am, I have separated myself from a lot of my childhood peers. But every now and then I get the chance to look out the "window" and see how modern social constructs play out with the general pop. As it turns out I would personally rather spend my days reading and obtaining information than spending the limited resources that I have been gifted being entrapped into a ferocious circle of emotion and redundant lessons. I will list a series of question that you are welcome to ask yourself, which could potentially help you come to a better conclusion on what you want from this life, and specifically what you seek in a significant other/significant others.

Key Question #1: Are your desires and wants for a partner morally satisfying?

Thoughts: Freedom of expression and opinions are in the eyes of the beholder, especially here on the blockchain. But are your desires leading you to hurt others or hurt yourself? Sure you can like whoever you want, but if you are chasing high schoolers and children, do you really believe that they will help you achieve ultimate happiness, will you help them achieve that?

Key Question #2 Are you being realistic?

Thoughts: Everyone has dreams, and those dreams have been the genesis of discovery for so many beautiful things, but dreaming of an "ideal" spouse or partner can lead someone to false expectations and prohibit realistic growth.

Key Question: Is the risk worth the potential reward?

Thoughts: I see so many people use up years of their life and countless amounts of dollars trying to improve life with another human being. To me, relationships are a balance of efficiency (I am aware that love can hardly be put into a mathematical equation), why use so many resources on something that has very little potential which can in turn disallow you from finding your personal vision of "greatness"? It is perfectly fine if you don't know what you want, but if you want to take some direct advice, take some time to look into yourself, meditate, look to mentors, and be open to new ideas.

Key Question #4 Are you giving too much of a FUCK about what other people think?

Thoughts: Whether you see it now or not, being true and yourself allows other to identify the types of "fruits" that you bear. Being yourself allows others to "peek over the fence" and see what you have done with your experiences and a few resources. Are you happy with your garden this year?

Key Question #5 Are you afraid of taking action?

Thoughts: Take it from the movies, "Every man dies. Not every man really lives. William Wallace" (Braveheart, 1995). Where I am getting is..... QUIT BEING A PUSSY, IF YOU REALLY WANT SOMETHING, "You get your ass out there, and you find that fucking dog!" (Billy Madison, 1995).

Final points: Do what you feel is right in a realistic domain, be yourself, and take action! If you find anything useful in my words, feel free to spread them as you please, that is what legacy is all about <3.

Thank you for your time:)

P.S. If you see any grammatical errors or think I should add anything to this, feel free to ethically spam the living fuck out of me!!!

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