As in any other experience, love online can thrive but can also be a source of frustration.

We all know that people do not show themselves as such even when they are face to face, and that most people lie with great skill; with more reason this concealment of the true identity becomes much more irresistible and easy on the internet; since it is a unique and too attractive opportunity to display the personality that one would wish to have, created by the imagination, maintaining for some reason, in absolute reserve, one's own.

It is healthy to remember that communication in the network can be used to commit crimes of all kinds, since it is a resource that can be used by people of all conditions, such as criminals or seriously mentally ill and who can intellectually appear normal.

The psychopaths, for example, who have a great power of conviction, can reason in a very logical way but starting from false premises, that is, moved by a point of view about reality, delirious.

The most common crimes that are committed through the Internet are economic and sexual, since it is a means that provides the opportunity to gain trust and approach the victim through a seemingly harmless but effective dialogue to achieve their goals .

Men who, in order to approach a woman, need this media form of communication, are usually those who have difficulty doing it personally, that is, they are people with characteristics of introverted personality, shy of character, who are often obsessed with those who know in the network and that you do not know the reaction they can have when both face each other and start a relationship.

Despite all these risks, there are couples who have managed to get to know each other online, have married and have formed a family. For this reason, it is clear that sometimes it is possible to try to establish a relationship, both formally and without lasting commitment, through this means of communication, without risking too much.

Just as young girls fall in love with the telenovela or cinema gallants whom they do not really know, because they are always playing a character, they can also fall in love with someone who seduces them with their texts, videos, chats or photos, online , almost without realizing it, to later realize that it is only a product of a fantasy created by his imagination.

Love for the Internet often raises the problem of distances, since the further the candidate's origin, the more attractive and exotic the proposal to young romantics is to them; without taking into account, that materializing this relationship will involve a series of difficult problems to face, such as having to travel to distant countries and eventually live in them, get away from the family, speak other languages, adapt to another culture and other lifestyles, have to live with who ultimately is a complete stranger.

On the other hand, you can not know in advance the reaction that may have that person, if suddenly his conquest repented of his decision and felt inclined to leave it to return to their place of origin.

Loving online can be a valid alternative in a world where it is increasingly difficult to relate to people, as long as sanity is maintained and good judgment prevails in the face of any emotional impulse that can lead to decisions without firm foundations that can be put to a person in danger.

Photo: Google Search "Love on the internet"

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