Daily Devotion- GOD'S WORD HEALS


Psalms 107:20 (NKJV) He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

When God, our Father, gave us His Word, it was to provide for all of our needs as we live our lives. His Word provides for our spiritual needs, mental needs, and physical needs. Our God is a good God who loves His children, and He wants us to have a blessed life here on earth.

Jesus said in John 16:33, “These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.”

While we are in this world, we will have things come against us and attack us. That is why He has given us His Word: to overcome the enemy and the attacks of life. The armor of God is for our protection, and the sword of the Spirit is the Word of God to defeat the enemy.

God has given us an amazing arsenal of weapons to keep the devil in his place until Jesus returns. Too many times, we do not take the time to find out what these weapons are that God has given us, and we miss out on so many of the blessings of our Father.

As we look at the subject of healing, so many people say, “Well, whatever the Father’s will is, that is what I will get.” But we see from today’s verse that God’s will is to heal us. He only wants the best for us, and He cares for us in each part of our being.

So today, receive His Word concerning healing, and let the Great Physician heal you. Yes, God has healed us spiritually, but He also sent His Word to heal us physically. His Word was sent to us to deliver us, and to set us free as we walk through life's journey. So never think that you are alone. His Word is always with us to give us the victory, in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Confession: God sent His Word to heal me. Today, I receive His full healing for my life. Today, I receive healing spiritually, mentally, and physically. The healing that He has bought for me is a complete healing. Thank you Father for your complete work being done in me.

2 Chronicles 11 - 13
Romans 8:26-39
Psalms 18:37-50
Proverbs 19:27-29

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