3 Ways To Love Better, Contributed by Anonymous


Everyone wants to love someone and also wants to be loved by someone in return. It's the nature of humans that when he gives something, he expects to receive something in return. But you know what counts as a true love? Loving your partner unconditionally is true love. No one on the planet earth is perfect.

A relationship becomes boring without romance and fun time. Sure, your husband must go to the office on a daily basis since that's how you guys will survive. But honestly speaking for men, they should spend at least the weekend with their spouses since the weekend is usually a holiday in most cases.

Using one technique of expressing your love over time can become a bit boring. You may love your partner more than anybody in the world but if you're not able to express it, you're a huge failure. In this article, we'll discuss some of the uncommon ways to express your love better to your partner.

1 - Use respectful language



It's impossible that someone who claims to love you will use inappropriate language when talking to you. Same is the case with you. If you claim to love someone, be respectful. I don't know much about western culture, but honestly speaking, I've seen couples using disrespectful words for each other in Pakistan.

Nothing melts the heart quicker than respectful words. Just like abusive words have the power to piss someone off, respectful words have the power to make your partner feel better and feel that you really love them. They will try to talk even more to you because of your respectful and loving words.

2 - Don't expect too much

One of the best ways to express your love is not expecting too much from your partner. Sure, like I said in the beginning, it's the nature of human that when he gives something, he expects to get something too. However, that shouldn't be the case for love. A true love is unconditional and such couples are the most successful.

Actually, the problem is not in expecting something from your partner. The actual problem is in the self-centered attitude which revolves around "me, me, and me". If you've done something for your partner, it will make you feel good. Don't expect that they will do the same for you. They may or may not.

3 - Learn to forgive and compromise


In life, you'll have to make not just one, but a lot of compromises. All of us are sinners and commit mistakes. Same is the case with your life partner. No human is like an angel. Similarly, your partner is not perfect. Learn to forgive others and compromise on some things.

You may be thinking why I didn't include some ways such as sending text messages when your partner is at work or sparing the time daily for romance. The reason is that those methods are effective for sure but getting less effective day by day. That's why expressing your love will become difficult.

If you have some uncommon suggestions to give or if you want to share something important, please add them to your comment. Have a nice day!

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