The consumption of meat nowadays are extremely high. Day by day people purchase meat from the market especially on sundays or during event like Weddings, Parties, Christmas and Salah celebrations. According to The Humane Society of the United States approximately two billion farm animals were killed in the United States in 2015 both for human consumption and experiment. This number doesn't take into account the number of fishes taken from the ocean by fishermen and the wild animals killed by hunters...pexels-photo-735002.jpg

In 2016 till now it is estimated that 4.6 billion has been killed also…. Which means if added all together both the farm, wild and ocean it will be massive that is been killed every year. If these amount are killed averagely every year, then how many will remain, how many will recreate to get the number enough to be killing, eating and experimenting all the time. Animals are created for food and to complement man's need, yes i agree, and also for man to complement them.
Biologically and naturally we all know that animal breath, eat, grow and die like humans, then why is there case different. Do you think that animals don't feel pain? Though God gave human control over them but we have to show them love too and some respect to them… Even in the bible it says: “Six days you are to do your work; but on the seventh day, you are to cease from your labor, in order that your bull and your donkey may rest.”—Exodus 23:12.

The other day I was on the street when a car hit a sheep and drove off. At first I thought the man in the car would stop but he feel less concern and matched the throttle. He is one of those that kill animals for fun I guess. Then I stopped, watched the sheep died in pain. I could not do anything because I don't know any first aid or how to treat animals. And there was no veterinary hospital around and even if there was the sheep would not make it there because the force of the hit was much.

Honestly it was a pity as i was watching the sheep dying in pain. I asked myself if the sheep was a human will the man hit her and drove off, wouldn't he come down and look for a way to rush her to the hospital to save her life first or if the man drove off would people around feel less concern, they will go after the man I guess. But a merely sheep was the thought of the people.

After the sheep died, I was confronted with a thought… humans goes to either heaven or hell when they die as we believe. Then my question is WHERE GOES THE SOULS OF THE ANIMALS when they die and what punishment do you think the person that kills animals for fun deserve?

Dont forget to use the UPVOTE, RESTEEM and FOLLOW... I got your back. Am still that loyal servant @bushman
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