The Ever-Elusive Mystery of... Trust


This strange emotionally-crippling mystery has plagued couples from generation to generation. From the grand, malicious, devastating, relationship-destructing actions down to the small trust-destroying poor decision-making or rash acts of anger post-argument. Doesn't matter, they are all hurtful. Some are mistakes that riddle caring people with guilt for the rest of their lives. Moments of weakness or stupid actions. Some are ignorant and arrogant acts of spite and revenge. Others, are plotted out... maliciously. With intent to hurt. To drive home a point using heartache and pain. To prove a point with cruelty. And there's others that have ZERO care in others feelings and stomp on them like walkways. Some are good, some are bad. But acts that ruin trust are NEVER justified. It's wrong, unfair, and completely uncalled for. Like I've said in the past this blog is going to be as raw as they come. Less punches held than in the McGregor fight I promise. Um, bad joke.... Too soon? Anyway. Trust is beyond important. And the most trustworthy and forthright and reliable of people can break trust easier than a New Yawker can hail a cab. With the smallest, simplest of things. With anything mean or malicious, regardless of your reasoning... you never know how deeply you are going to affect your victim. How deep of a cut you will make and how long-lasting or permanent of a wound you are going to inflict. Or how many painful demons you can resurrect for people with your actions. Sometimes it's possible to change the way this person sees you forever. Or at the least make them question everything they thought they knew and trusted about you. To forever question the potential of your future actions/reactions. And question how much hurt you are actually capable of inflicting without a second thought. And jeapordize the ability to confront that person honestly now without worry for your feelings or aggressive repurcussions for them. People, question all of your actions. Never hurt someone on purpose. Cause the smallest of sentences, the fewest of words, the tiniest of actions..... have the potential to ruin something beautiful and pure for life. Heres a beautiful article I recently read that sparked this thought to write right now, and I figured I would share the highlights.... And here is the source.... as well as one or two others cited. As well as the excerpt right below.

"Trust is a super important part of a healthy relationship, but it's something that many people struggle with, for a lot of different reasons. ... Trusting someone means that you think they are reliable, you have confidence in them and you feel safe with them physically and emotionally."


And one more thing guys, always be kind and always try to frolic on the side of Good and Gentle 💖✌💖

Sources: original writing by myself as well as citing from the following sources...

7 Reasons Why Trust Is More Important Than Love

1. We can only love someone we trust.
Love is built on trust. As rational individuals, we can only naturally love someone we already trust. Relationships that aren’t anchored in trust are not made to survive rocky trials.

2. Love only reflects our ability to trust others.
Our ability to selflessly give ourselves to others comes with a guarantee of reciprocation. We trust in order to be trusted, but we love only with the hope of being loved back.

3. We use trust to control our emotions.
We are emotional beings who put more emphasis on the means than the end. We engage ourselves in meaningful relationships that we value. Hence, we use trust to gauge our relationship with others, and in the process, we figure out how much we are willing to give of ourselves to others.

4. We put a premium on trust as the building block of any relationship.
Trust precedes love. Every type of relationship is anchored on our ability to be open and share ourselves with others.

5. Judgment is clouded by love but illuminated by trust.
We think that love can save us from emotional roller coasters. More often than not, we are blinded by what love has to offer—gaining the acceptance, admiration, and approval of others. What we fail to consider is the fact that sometimes, our judgment becomes flawed because there are times when love suppresses reason and we get trapped in its foolish play. Trust, on the other hand, routes us back to the reason we built the relationship—establishing a lifelong connection with that person.

6. Trust conquers all.
We always believe that love conquers all, but it is trust that pushes us to believe that we can and will conquer every obstacle. We can say that love is the overarching concept of overcoming whatever obstacle comes our way, but it is trust that holds everything together. It is the glue to every gap and difference.

7. Trust is what makes us love again.
At the end of it all, after we fall down, get back up, and head back on track, trust enables us to believe that deep inside, we are all hopeless romantics just trying to find our own better half among the seven billion little souls on Earth

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