The Art of Saying Goodbye and Letting Go

To every man that walked into my life and then left without ever looking back:
I am officially letting you go. I wanted to believe that we could be friends after but I have come to realize that it does not work. Every time we cross paths, the pain and sadness from our history takes a shot at my heart because I could not help but let you own a piece. Even after it was all over I let you hold onto my heart because I thought you deserved the love I had for you even after the way things ended. Whatever we had … it was real for the time that we spent together. When we ended things – I thought I finally was strong enough to move on – but when the universe kept aligning our paths again and again every single time I was on the brink of moving on … I feel all of my strength disappear under your presence.

The unexpected tears and painful heartache I endured after being around you is just not worth it anymore. I no longer am going to let my old feelings of rejection, abandonment and anxiety determine the outcome of my future relationships.

I am forever grateful that you came into my life for the time that you did. You taught me the amazing power of patience in times of struggle. You taught me to stay true to my health values no matter what people say. And the biggest one of all is that you forced me to love myself because no matter how much I wanted you to… you couldn’t be that person for me. One thing is for sure – I will always care about you but I am done loving you.

Today was the last day I considered you a friend.
Every ounce of me wants to sit down and tell you about my life and share every last story. But that is not your business anymore. You chose to leave me out of your life so I need to do the same. When we see eachother next I will acknowledge your presence as I would a kind stranger. Because having you exist in my life is stopping me from receiving the respect and true love I know I truly deserve.
I hope you find what you are looking for that I could not provide you. I also hope you fall in love with yourself. No matter how much I loved you it was not enough when you could not find the love within. The moment you learn to truly love yourself… I promise that your life will change forever.

You deserve all of the love in the world so I hope you never ever settle for anything less.


Just another Millennial on the search for a happy, healthy, and sustainable lifestyle ♥

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