My Merry Valentine's Day


Happy Valentine's Day to everyone! The green colored roses were given to me by my sister. Who said that only people who have bf or gfs receive gifts on Valentine's Day?

I am touched by the gesture. I am happy that I was able to receive flowers this day. Green and beautiful! :) My brother on the other hand gave me a bar of dark chocolate.


Upon receiving their gifts, I remebered the advertisement of Jollibee about true love. Most of us are searching for love, specially romantic love. We have chased others before, just so we can have a taste of it. To feel loved, romantically, is a great feeling. Knowing that there will always be that someone you can count on, someone you can laugh with, cry on, confide in, depend on.

We are all craving that kind of love. The kind that makes us giddy like teenage kids. Who doesn't like the feeling when we're inlove? Who doesn't love the idea of having someone to care, love and respect you? No one.

In search of romantic love, we sometimes forget about the real meaning of love. We are too blinded by the idea of romantic love that we forget that there is also other forms of love.

I am guilty of doing this. When I find someone I connect with, I become attached. There will come a time that I will no longer make time to hang out with my friends, bond with my family and even stop doing the things I love doing. In short, I have a tendency of taking for granted the people that have been with me before I even met the one I am romantically attached to.

Which is wrong.

Romantic love is great! But true love is the best! True love can be experienced with family, friends and even doing what you are passionate about. Your family is the first people who taught you about love. Your friends helped you understand that love can be platonic. Your passion made you feel more alive whenever you do the things that excite you and inspires you.

Love is all around. We should not be sad if we are alone and single. We just have to open our eyes to the good around us. The people who truly love us unconditionally.

Happy Valentine's Day again lovely people!


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