Wax Philosophical Tuesday: Betrayal, a painful gift...

I find it most beneficial to limit expectations of people in general. However, when we make friends with people it’s usually because we have some common ground, and in time we learn to expect certain things from our friends, good and bad. People teach us what to expect from them, whether we take to the lesson is another story.

I had a close friend betray my trust last night. I’m angry and hurt by the betrayal, but in it I see a gift. This person is showing me who they are and what they’re capable of. They’re showing me they aren’t a good friend, and I’d be wise to let them go. That is a gift.

It’s so hard to say goodbye to someone that you care for, but my years have taught me it’s harder to be mistreated and taken for granted.

When we let someone go, we make room for another to step into their place. One door closes, another opens.

My heart hurts, but that pain is a teacher. Pain is purifying, and it must burn its way to completion. There’s something beautiful in that.

(Image found via Google Image search)

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