Love, in humility

Some people might say that true love is dead. Is it now? Is it dead?. No, ti's merely sleeping my dear. So I say wake up! All you people to the east! Wake up! All you people to the west! Wake up! The world might come tumbling down and you wouldn't notice! Are you waiting for a sacrifice? Somebody to go before you because you're too scared to love? Let me be the sacrifice!!

If not then what shall we do huh? What can we do? Go deep within yourself. Find the beautiful person you were always meant to be. Be the example, set the trend. Stop following what the others tell you to do. You are a strong person and you will make it! No matter what anyone else says or thinks about your situation; its a moot point, because you are free to create your own reality.

Don't you know about the galaxy? All the stars out there? There are so many stars out there we cant even number them all. There is so much adventure, so much to explore, yet there might be those who ask for more more more. Well I say its ok! Take all that you will! Take your fill! Love is in the air and the moon is in its right place.

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