Impossible loves. Has it ever happened to you?

Have you ever fallen in love with the least indicated person? Surely one of you has happened to them, life sometimes puts us on the road unpredictable and complicated loves, either because this person is married, is committed with another person, by a great difference in age, distance, in short there are many reasons why a love can be qualified as impossible.


We grow up with the mistaken idea that all loves should be like the patterns of novels, movies or fairy tales, where they tell us a story of eternal love and we always find a happy ending, and we completely forget that in love there are often many imperfections.

While it is true that there are many loves for which it is worth fighting, everything depends on the case, for example if the problem is the difference in age and what they will say, it only depends on you to make the decision to challenge the rules social issues that perhaps hinder you to achieve happiness, be happy and leave aside the opinion of others is a decision that only depends on you. If the problem is distance, I am sure that something can be done to be closer to that person. Sometimes, it is worth transforming the impossible into possible.

There are also many of them that must be let go, because sometimes it is better to let go of the unattainable, and more when it is a destructive and exhausting love, you can not always overcome the obstacles and get the desired love.

Normally this type of love is usually very attractive because it is difficult or forbidden, but is it really love? Remember that a love in which one suffers a lot, is not love, love is composed of happiness and possibility.


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