An awesome afternoon to all steemians out there!!

Yehey! Let us all spread the love and happiness to everyone as hearts day is fast approaching..

love.. love is in air!!

What's your plan on Valentines Day??
or should I say do you have your partners already to celebrate it?
SINGLES.. you don't have to worry.. because valentines is not just for lovers or couples. You have your friends and family to celebrate with. It is a perfect opportunity to say THANK YOU and giving them an honor for allowing you to be part of their lives but of course we must always remember that Valentines Day is not only every 14th of FEBRUARY.. We must always show our love to our loveones, family and friends EVERYDAY...

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I'd like to share with you that will surely give you an important reminder..

Me and my husband were talking about Valentines Day last usual it is just an ordinary day for us..

I asked my partner: Hal how many years have we been together? (of course I knew it)

He replied me with a serious voice: Almost 6 years.

So I responded him without any idea that he will be getting offended : Yes we are almost 6 years now but even once you didn't give me flowers or anything. (He didn't response instead he walked out and I knew to myself that he was upset with it)

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What happened last night moved me.. Everyone of us is hoping for a romantic guy, who will gives us bouquet of flowers, imported chocolates or any material thing that will satisfy our relationships but is it really necessary if you do loved that person? For me.. it is not but yes it is needed to both couples.. I'm not a materialistic person huhh? so don't bash me.. hehe because for me those surprises or material things gives colour to every relationships. I am not saying you guys should give us bouquet of flowers and imported chocolates, anything is fine kahit nga tag pisong tsokolate lang ayos na as long as it's heartily given right?

Thank you so much for allowing me to share this short story of mine.. but before I ended this.. I'd like to hear your opinion as well..


Kindly leave your comments below. .
Thank you and spread the love steemians :)

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