
Everybody who thinks, that love is something that is going to last forever for no reason, is mistaken. Love is something that can come one day and be gone another day. I’m sure that everyone of you had such an experience once in life. Maybe even more than once. Why is that happening?
For sure you experienced meeting someone who you considered to be your soulmate. Even you are meeting him first time in your life, you don’t know him at all, you feel like you’ve known him forever . You have a feeling that you can read in his mind- even if you can’t! Don’t go crazy and don’t get too emotional! This is the biggest mistake you can make. Many things that our brain considers to be special, are just a simple connection to our imagination. It is only that we feel good in someone’s companion and it fits our will. Following this way, many people are simply falling in love with not the right people. They don’t want to see anything else than possitive sides.
Of course this is very important to feel with someone ‘connected’, and without this, it is not possible to experience real love. Despite this you can’t forget about checking other side of this relation. Maybe you gonna realize, that there is nothing else more. Maybe your worlds are different, and only what fits -is your desire. It happens, that hormones cause this special feelings beetwen two people who are biologically well-matched. But nature is only thinking about how to procreate, not how to stay forever. It cause this special feelings, that can really deceive you. Love is not only desire. Where is an infatuation, of course there also has to be desire, but this is not everything.
If you think this is one day you fall in love, you are mistaken. In one day you can be most captivated, but not felt in love. There is much longer way to achieve this. You need years to realise if you really are in love. Notice, that every relationship starts the same, and only few ends different. In beginning everybody feels captivated, but in the end not everybody feels in love. Is that true? Yes, it is, but why it is happening?
Love is something very special. Compare it to something exclusive. If you have something valuable but you don’t care about this very much, and you don’t protect it some way, there is a big chance that it is going to be stolen. Many times i hear from people that they were meeting someone, but instead of them this person has chosen someone else. Lets say, there is a girl, who meets some guy, everything is very good between them, but it also takes too long before another step is taken. Nobody likes to feel unsafe, speacially when it comes to feelings. Most of the time, such a situation can last no more than one year. It also depends how often they are seeing each other. If it is really often, then couple of months is enough to expect some feelings appearing between them (or from one side). This is the moment for making up their minds. If this is not happening, there is a big chance, that somebody else will appear and change this, what they both couldn’t do. In such a case you can not complain that she left you (or he left), because you did nothing to stop it.
There is another thing, that you have to know. Love is not possesion. Even if you are the lucky one, and you have got a partner that you felt in love, and you are happy already years, don’t forget this could end. There is not even one relationship without problems. You also have some. Don’t disregard them. If you are inert to signals from your partner that he/she is unhappy, don’t expect it to last forever. Don’t think that what takes a long time must last forever. Never be sure of your partner. You can not be sure that your car is ever stolen. But if you take this into account, you can avoid losses.

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