News today, randomized and retarded

If a nuclear attack were confirmed, Putin could activate the so-called “Dead Hand”, or “Perimetr” system of last resort. Essentially computers would decide doomsday. A control rocket would order nuclear strikes from across Russia’s vast armoury.
Russian AI controls its Dooms Day Bombs

Studies estimate there may be as few as eight vaquitas remaining in the Gulf of California, the only place they exist and where they often become entangled in illegal gill nets and drown.
Mexico Sanctioned for 8 Porpoises

According to the report, in informal conversations after the arrests of “Mayer” and “Gisch,” Russia quickly admitted that the two arrested in Slovenia were intelligence officers.

The sources said that Russian and Western countries are discussing exchanging them for a person or people currently in custody in Russia.
Snowden could be bargaining chip

When asked whether he himself ever illegally streams or downloads content from the internet, Peskov said he did not know how to, and that others download films for him.
Pirate The Pirates ARRR

Nearby Pennsylvania residents reported burning lips, itchy eyes, rashes, headaches, diarrhea and other symptoms after large amounts of dangerous chemicals were released into the air, water and land in the aftermath of the crash.

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