Man I wish I hadn't gotten into Loopring

I've been using the loopring wallet and spending way too much time on getting this stupid thing working and activated. And not just time, but money. I wish I had known how much just activation costs were for this stupid thing that at this point doesnt even have any real use. What drew me into it besides aping into loopring when everyone was like "its about to blow up!". And yeah, it did not, but I figured I might as well download the wallet and click around and learn, but all i've learned is i'm dumber than i thought. And also doing things like this really makes me think that none of this is viable for the general public. Like all of this is way too much work for ... what? I dunno. And finally I got back into activating this stupid thing to try things out with the AMM pool, but now i need USDC or some other crypto and i'm just fucking annoyed i've lost so much stupid money on this stupid thing and i'm done...
until i get dragged back in

and honestly who cares about Gamestop NFTs? I hope I'm proved wrong cause I aint selling my loops cause they dropped so much in price and I'm stubborn

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